Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram. Dear Baba Devotees, I would like to share my personal experience as how Baba blessed me and my child. I have felt the presence of Baba in my life numerous times, but this one was very special so far. Baba, please keep your blessings coming.
It was in June 2012, I had a dream, where I was 4 to 5 weeks pregnant and was visiting my gynecologist. I still vaguely remember.I saw a very handsome male somewhere in his 30s, in white apron with greatest smile I have ever seen. In real life my gynecologist is a female. He performed an ultrasound and confirmed my pregnancy and said my due date was March 23rd 2013. Then I was searching for my husband to sharethis news with him, and woke myself up from the dream. That morning, while praying, I realized that male gynecologist in my dream had same smile as Baba’s in my pooja room. Delighted/surprised/blessed, I told my husband to remember the date March 23rd.
As it was only 1.5 yrs that we got married, I didn’t share my dream with him. I did after few days when I was pregnant in July. Next day or on same day, I can’t recollect, I had another dream. This time I was actually talking to Baba himself. But somewhere in a world unknown, it was very bright and peaceful. I was curiously asking Baba if He can tell me how many babies I am carrying in this first pregnancy. He threw something into the space and it divided into 5 parts. He said pick how many ever you want, you can have upto five kids in this life. I was scared and said I don’t think I can handle 5 in same delivery. Baba said “OK, don’t worry I will give you only the number you can handle”. This was my craziest dream ever.
After all these weird pregnancy dreams, I was pregnant for real in July 2012. Initially when I got confirmation from my primary physician, she gave me a due date of March 15th. Then I shared my dreams about the pregnancy with my husband and was shocked that my dream came true, but little confused as how month was correct and not the date. I convinced myself that Baba can never go wrong. Maybe I didn’t remember the date right. Late July I had my first ultra sound, and guess what, my due date was March 23rd 2013. I was unable to believe myself. I was crying out of joy pointing out the date on the screen to my husband. And yes there was only one baby in the womb as Baba knew I could handle only one at once.
Finally in March 2013, when everything was going smoothly by Baba’s grace, my husband [he has to travel for work to client’s place every alternate week, a 5 hr long flight] got permission to work from homefor 4 weeks[all of March], after lot of struggle. It was March 14th, and my husband had constant pressure to come back to work onsite. Seeing my husband worry that he might leave to Seattle on March 25th, I was very disappointed and prayed Baba if I can have the baby a week early, if my husband had to leave to Seattle. That night I had a dream, that I was in labor, however my gynecologist was not available for delivery and nothing was going as planned. I woke up from the dream scared, started praying Baba. While I was praying with my eyes closed, I heard a voice saying “Things won’t go smoothly but I will be there with you throughout the delivery”. As expected, my water broke on March 17th and there was no dilation. After nearly 32 hrs of labor, and lot of tension and stress had a beautiful baby boy on March 18th.
But then I somehow felt the presence of Baba all through the process. Also when I was worried about the baby’s growth in the initial weeks of pregnancy, I heard Baba’s voice saying “You take care of yourself and I will take care of the baby”. I am so happy and lucky to have Baba himself take care of my baby. These are only a few precious memories out of many. May Baba bless us all. Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai !!