Sai Devotee from India says: I am a very humble devotee of Shri Sai Baba, and I am attached to Baba from childhood. The experiences I had in the past years and with every passing day my devotion and faith is increasing. I feel His holy grace and blessings in everything that happens in my life. Om Sai Ram. I would like to share my experiences with Baba happened in the year 1999. I had a daughter, on 17th November, when she was of 4 years and 5 months, she was detected Blood Cancer (Leukemia). She was our only child and this news shattered our family. It is our daily routine that we used to have Udi Prasad after our prayer and Pooja. My daughter was also very much devoted to Shri Sai Baba. Whenever she gets high fever (104°C) she used to tell us to give Udi Prasad, so that her fever will go down. She also used to listen to the “Sai Ram Dhoon” as she believed that she will be fine. During her treatment in Tata Memorial she had undergone Bone Marrow for 10 times. But when I cried she used to tell me that “Mamma don’t cry you pray to Sai Baba.”
One day when she was hospitalized in Tata Hospital, one of my husband’s friends came to meet her. And he told us that he is going to Shirdi. When my daughter knew it she cried to go with him to Shirdi, so we promised her to take there after her treatment. It was Thursday, and that day doctors told us to arrange platelets for her. So we paged this message on pager. Many donors called us to donate platelets. Among them one donor from Mumbai itself called me and told me to donate her platelets, but till then we’ve already got the donor, so I refused her. She then asked me to meet my daughter. And in the evening she came and bought Sai Baba’s Photograph and Udi Prasad for my daughter as if Baba Himself sent it. We were overwhelmed to receive it. Then after few days during her catheter implant surgery she told me that she saw Sai Baba in operation theater wearing white choga with garland of red roses. Though she was in pain after surgery but was very happy and said, “Mamma I saw Sai Baba, He touched my forehead and said to come to Shirdi.” After three months of her treatment, doctors refused any further treatment as she was not responding to the treatment, so she was advised only symptomatic treatment and that her life is only for 3-4 months. So we with the girl (who came with Baba’s photograph) her mamma and papa went to Shirdi. We received Baba’s shawl which was touched to His Samadhi and Udi Prasad. After Sai’s Darshan we came back home.
Sitting besides my daughter, daily I started reading “Sai Satcharitra” (Holy Book on Sai Baba’s Life) On 21st May 2000 my daughter breathed her last breathe, with Sai Baba’s shawl around her and Baba’s photograph (which I used to keep on her chest from the time she was diagnosed cancer) and the last word she uttered was – “Mamma give me Sai Baba’s Udi.” I applied Udi on her forehead and also gave it to her as Prasad. After this incident I and my husband were totally blank. No reason to live, but by Sai Baba’s grace we managed to live. It was my strong belief that she is with Baba and I always prayed Baba to take care of her. I used to offer milk, food etc as “Bhog” to Baba and pray Him to have it both together. After few days on Thursday we met a Baba who himself was a devotee of Sai Baba told us that Sai Baba will visit to your house on 8th Thursday from today, you will have to recognize Him as He can come in any form. On 8th Thursday myself and my husband both prepared my daughter’s favorite food, as it was my strong belief that our daughter is with Baba and has her food with Him daily, so Baba will not come alone.
It was exactly at 12 noon (the time when Prasad is offered to Sai Baba in Shirdi), we saw the lane was empty, not a single person we could see and “A Pure White Cow With Her Calf” coming towards us. We offered them food and just after that when we saw them from the terrace they both disappeared. This was such a beautiful and amazing experience that I can’t explain in words. Whenever I think of that moment tears rolled down Om Sai Ram that’s it. Our entire life is insufficient to thank Him. Since it was my routine to read “Sai Satcharitra” specially Adhyay (Chapter No. 48)- In it Sai Baba gave blessings to the couple ( name Sapatnekar) whose child died due to some disease and Baba says to them that – “ I am here, not to take away anybody’s child but I can do one thing that I can give back the same child in her womb.” These words of Sai Baba gave me strength to bear my daughter’s loss and I believed that my same daughter will come back. Daily my prayer to Baba was to give back my same child.
It was on 8th June 2002 Baba answered my prayer and by His Blessings and Grace I gave birth to a baby boy who exactly resembles my daughter (From nails to hair). My son now is 12 years old and he used to tell me – “Mamma its fine that I am born as your son because if I were born as a girl I would have left you after marriage, but now I will stay always with you.” Om Sai Ram