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Sai Baba Miracles:






Couple of Sai Baba Miracles – Sai Devotees


Madhavi  from Jamaica says: Hi I am Madhavi, My entire family is Sai Baba devotee and we have experienced many Miracles too or i would say Sai Baba Blessings are on us. Here i would like to share one recent Sai Baba Miracle. 

Last week on Monday my husband had got a very bad flu which was not going with any medicine. Generally flu stays not more than 2 days but this time it was on heights. He was alone handling the shop and can’t even take day off, so he was going everyday for the first week with that flu to the shop. I used to go during lunch time to help him. I couldn’t see him suffering so much as the flu was very bad. His nose was running constantly and had got congestion and cough. We at last went to the doctor on Saturday i.e. after 5 days when he tried all medicines. Doctor said he would have got throat infection, if he wouldn’t have come to me. Doctor gave some medicines to him. 

Again 4 days were gone, all medicines were almost done but flu was still there. I said to Baba if his flu goes away by Thursday then, i will share this Miracle and thank God today is Thursday and he is feeling much better. I didn’t know that we are not supposed to share experience like this, but because i had promised Sai Baba, i couldn’t stop myself even though i know you would not consider Miracle like this. I am just hoping and left on Baba, if He wants my experience would definitely come on His page. I really hope Sai Baba always bless my family and my husband and give us a good health. Om Sai Ram. 

Miracle 2:

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of Baba since my childhood and had many good experiences. Baba is everything to me and I do not dare to do any work without His permission. 

We lost many gold items and never got them back. Recently I took my parents to a hospital for general check up. I was also there. My mother gave her necklaces to me as she had to go for Chest X-Ray. I was on call by the time. She returned and all of us made a move to our car and left for home. My mother found that one of her necklaces is missing and its cost would be around 40K. Immediately I gave a call to hospital people but they mentioned that sweepers left for the day. We had to go for another check up. The next day, we went there and told again that there is no where we would have lost it as we went straight to home. 

Usually we pray to Baba that Baba if I get something back, I will do Parayan or Pradakshin. But this time I felt so dejected that Baba we can’t afford to lose our valuable items in this manner. This is our hard-earned money and You have to get this back to us. I am not going to do anything. I shared the incident with some of my friends and they advised to threaten the hospital people that, we will lodge a police complaint. I didn’t threaten, but I requested the receptionist there to talk to the people and get it back. She told me that she will try her level best and in case if we get it back, we should not file a complaint or inform about the hospital to anyone else (that is the reason I didn’t share the hospital name, not even the location). I told her that we have no intention to malign (criticize) anyone and we need our necklaceback. Thankfully, by Baba’s grace, we got our necklace back. 

Expereince 3:

Krishna  from UK says: I am one of the mad devotees of  Baba. I came to know about Baba when i was 15 years old and i am following Him from last 10 years. I am 25 years old and experienced tough part of my life in finance during my last 10 years. Being born in lower middle class family my parents struggled to make me an engineer because of Baba grace.

Once i was done with my engineering I wanted to do masters in UK and my family can’t afford huge money, but by Baba’s grace i got scholarship worth of £4k. Still i am in a big confusion how i got scholarship since i am not a bright student. I am one among 80 students to get international scholarship among 800 other students. This is miracle number 1. After successful completion of masters because of Baba i started searching for job in UK from Nov 2011. I did not get any job and i entered into the tough phase of life and in order to survive in UK i started going to retailer job for almost 1.5 years. I was totally fed up. 

Suddenly i felt like i want to read Sai Satcharitra, so i started reading from Feb 2013. Miracles started happening from then. I started reading Sai Satcharitra at least 3 to 4 chapter a week and in 10 weeks time i got a call from an electronics company (Note: i did not apply to that company and still now i dont not know how they know my number). Obviously i cleared the interview and started working in an electronic company in UK. This is miracle 2. Since i joined in an electronic company which is visa sponsor by Baba’s grace. 

I was not satisfied with the pay so i started applying for big companies. So many rejections since getting job in UK is nightmare. I started Sai Baba Vrat on Thursday. I just finished 8 weeks of Pooja and i attended 2 big companies interview and i got selected in one of the top electronic company. I did not apply to the company which i got selected now. I don’t know how they got my CV and i don’t know why they called me for interview directly. This is really a great Miracle in my life. There are so many Miracles in my life. I promise to all other devotees please worship Baba with real love, your questions will be answered soon. Jai Sainath. 


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Sai Baba Miracles