Anonymous Devotee from India says: First of all I want to thank for this blog service for providing such a wonderful platform, where all devotees read experience and increase their faith on Sai. I know Sai from my childhood. Whenever I visited any temple, then I continuously stared Saibaba even I don’t know who He is at that time. But I don’t know why I like to see Sai a lot and there was something, which attracted me towards Him. I was very small and don’t know regarding God. In this way Sai comes in my life and now He becomes my life. Because Sai is everything for me now and I can’t live without Him. Even I find my day frustrated if I don’t visit your site and without watching online Darshan from Shirdi.
Now come back to the experience, which is small, but mean a lot for me. During office time, this is my habit to write name of Sai whenever I feel bored. One day, I was writing name on page and that page was putting in one book and that book was read by my boss and found that page. I searched that book in whole office, but I can’t found it because my boss brings that book his home. Next day, I asked boss I lost that book then he replied that this book contain one page of Sai jaap. And he asked me whether you believe in astrological things and all. I replied that I always used to write Sai name whenever I feel bored and don’t have any work, even during collage time I used to write Sai name in my books. And I never believe in astrological activities.
Then after I feel shame to write name on page or book because I scared if my boss found that then he may scold me. One day I used one trick in which I write name of Sai from empty pen. I used 2 rs. emptyblack pen in which we can see that pen is totally empty because it is visible from seeing. Even I can’t write single word from that pen as it was empty. I started writing name of Sai from that pen in my dairy and as it is not visible and no one can imagine that names were written on page. While writing name one thought comes in my mind if this pen really write name in black colour, then I completely surrender myself to Sai.
After writing half page in which names were not visible completely, but after thinking such foolish thing at the same time pen started writing name of Sai and not only one and two words, but 6 lines were written from that empty pen. I completely surprised and tears were rolled down from my eyes. I never expect that such my assumption may be right. But everything is possible for my Sai. He always proves that I am always there with everyone who believes on me. Only we require faith and patience. Everything is possible for Sai even such thing which we never expect even in dream. Om Sai Ram to all devotees. Anantkoti Brahmandnayak Maharajadhiraj Yogiraj Parbhm Swarup Shree Sachhitanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.