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Sai Baba Miracles:






Experience With Shirdi Sai Baba – Anonymous Devotee From S.Africa

Anonymous Devotee from South Africa says: Om Sai Ram. My dear Baba friends, happy Baba moments to you all. I would like to write the miracle experienced by me just few minutes ago on this day of 11th Nov 2013. I could not restrain myself to post this as I felt that Baba wanted me to post this miracle immediately. I don’t know whether you treat this as miracle, but for me this is quite incredible and strongly believe that this happened only by the grace of Baba. Here the miracle goes. To be honest I had never been the believer of Baba, but once in a while used to visit Baba temple casually like any other temple. Presently I am in South Africa on a company assignment. Just one day before the day of travel to South Africa from India, I was diagnosed with an eye problem in my left eye, which occurred for the second time.

Indian doctor informed that cause for this problem is not known, but stress is believed to be one of the factors. Doctor gave some eye drops and advised me to be stress free to the extent possible. I have travelled to South Africa with this eye problem leaving my family in India. As the days were passing in South Africa, my eye problem got worsened. When I contacted Indian doctor, he advised me to show it to the eye specialist. In the mean time before consulting the eye specialist, I googled about my eye problemand came to know that there is no treatment for this problem and generally it has to resolve on its own over a period of 4 to 6 months. Sometimes it may not resolve and leads to partial blindness.

Upon finding this, I was literally collapsed and I started thinking about the future of wife and my two kids. Many negative thoughts had filled my mind and I could not relax for even a single moment. After that as advised by the Indian doctor, I visited that eye specialist here in South Africa. Doctor has conducted various tests and confirmed the disease and explained the same thing what I found on Google. Doctor told me to relax as the worry makes the situation more worst. Then I tried to get relaxed by reading some inspirational books and motivated myself for the problem to resolve. I found that improvement in my eye started during the couple of weeks and when I visited doctor for the second time, he was glad to see the improvement and informed that further improvement will take more time and asked me to wait and see.

After the second visit to the doctor, I found that the condition of the eye started deteriorating once again, but luckily not reached to the worst point which I initially experienced. Once again I googled about this and found that variation in the eye sight (i.e. feeling good some times and bad sometimes) is the nature of the disease. But dear friends, please remember that till this point I had not at all thought about Baba and looked for His help.

Then on this day on 26th October 2013, Saturday, Suddenly I remembered seeing my wife worshipping Baba by reading “Sai Satcharitra” in telugu script, when I was in India. I googled about this book and found how so many devotees got healed by doing “Sai Parayan” through reading this book with Shraddha and Saburi. I have downloaded this book on the very same day. I started reading the book on Sunday (27th Oct 2013) and finished by Wednesday (30th Oct 2013). Again I started second time reading on Thursday (31st Oct 2013) and finished by Wednesday (6th Oct 2013). Third time reading started on Thursday (7th Oct 2013) and still reading till today i.e.9th Nov 2013. But frankly I did not read the booktoday and yesterday and feeling really bad for the same.

When I was reading the book, I really felt so much eternal bliss and believed that Baba was watching me. I strongly felt that when I reach India, I will visit Shirdi along with my family and pray to Baba. But felt sorry for not having the immediate opportunity. I thought how much nice it would be if I get “UDI” fromShirdi, which will heal my eye problem. But I insisted my wife, who is in India to carry some UDI from nearby Sai temple. In fact my family is supposed to start to South Africa on 11th Nov’13, but due to some unexpected visa problem, they could not travel and I need to re apply for visa, which may take nearly another 15 days. I felt so sad for my family for not able to travel to South Africa as planned and really got angry why Baba is not helping. But still I believed that whatever is happening is for our goodness sake only as Baba will definitely safeguard us.

Today (9th Nov 2013) night at 7.23 PM, I got a call from my brother in India saying that he will be visiting Shirdi this coming Thursday (i.e 14th Nov 2013) along with his family. I was really glad to hear this from him. My brother is a diehard devotee of Baba and he did not know at all that I started believing Baba. Upon hearing this news from my brother, I felt Baba only called me. Then immediately I informed my brother to put some Dakshina on my behalf and insisted him to carry some UDI from Shirdi. He accepted my request and assured that he will courier that to my wife. Then I realised that Baba cancelled my family journey to South Africa to ensure that my wife will carry the UDI to South Africa as I wanted to have it with me in South Africa. People may argue that UDI can be even couriered to South Africa also, but why somebody need to carry. Frankly I do not know whether it will be allowed to courier such item internationally or not. But I believe that my family trip to South Africa got postponed for this sole purpose. Now I am eagerly waiting for my brother’s trip to Shirdi happen and get my UDI. I sincerely pray to Baba that my brother’s trip to Shirdi shall not see any obstacles.

By the way regarding my eye problem, I believe that I am on the path of recovery and Baba will definitely cure my disease over a period of time and above explained leela is the proof of it. I will definitely post another miracle about the cure of my eye disease and I am eagerly waiting for this to happen. Whatever I am suffering is due to past karma and I am sure that Baba will wipe off this Karma and remove my sufferings. I am rededicating myself to Baba with utmost Shraddha and Saburi and I will become lifetime devotee to the lotus feet of almighty Shri Shirdi Sai Baba.

Om Sai Ram! May Baba bless all His devotees with abundant love, health and wealth to serve the mankind.



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Sai Baba Miracles