Anonymous Devotee from USA says: All please forgive me if I upset anyone by reading this. Please read the full story. As any child growing up in USA, I was blind to all faiths and more into what life has to offer me. I was 24 years old and had a good job in IT, driving an expensive car and lots of friends and party all weekend kind of person.
One day I was talking to one of my colleague in his cube and I saw a Baba photo. I was a fool and I said I don’t believe in any man pretended to be God “Baba Please forgive me for my past sins”. This offendedmy colleague and he said you should take it back. As a fool I said no and walked away. I didn’t feel bad for what I said and moved on with my life. Few months later, I have met love of my life and not knowing that she is a devotee of Baba. She always talks about Sai and we should go to Shirdi as usual I ignored it.
All things were well and we got married, but she was not able to migrate to USA with me due toimmigration issue. So I have decided to bring her to Canada as a student and I will be travelling to see her every weekend. Due to my constant travel and requesting to work remotely, my manager and I clashed all the time. At work things started to go bad and I was frustrated. My Manager and I constantly disputed. I wanted to move out of the job and find something else, but I was not able to get a job due to job market and all IT Company was downsizing. I have applied for 100’s of job but no reply. So my wife and I had a long conversation and decide that I should move to Canada and we will start our life there. I will find some odd jobs until I find a suitable job in Canada.
During one weekend, visit to Canada, we decide to go shopping at a discount store. There I was walking around some old paintings and used frames. At that moment I noticed a very old photo looked like Hindu religious photo. It drew me like a magnet so I walked over and picked up the photo. At that time I didn’t know who it was or why I picked it up, but someone told me to do it. Om Sai Ram. I walked over to my wife and told her. Hey look what I found and I want to buy it. She was very happy that we found this photo off all the places in Canada, in a discount store run by Canadians. I can confidently say we are the only Indian’s that goes shopping there. I still had no clue that the photo was Baba, but I know I needed to take this photo home.
When we got home, my wife told me this is Shirdi Sai Baba. She cleaned the photo and the old wooden frame and applied sandalwood past and plastic garland. She prayed everyday and she asked me to pray as well, but I was stubborn so I told her that she could pray for me.
Then next Monday I got back to USA and out of the blue a recruiter called me about a job and if I was interested in moving forward. I said yes and she arranged for a phone interview. During this time the situation at work started to get worse by the day. So I called my wife and said I would like to quite the job. She said if you’re not happy then why don’t you move to Canada and we can be together. That moment I walked over to my manager and said I am done and walked out of the office. I packed my bags and moved to Canada. We hardly had any monies and I was desperately looking for an odd job, so I can continue to pay for our rent and other expenses. I burned all of my savings on our wedding and paying all the fees to get my wife to Canada.
Within 3 days, I got a call from the same recruiter asking me if I can do an onsite interview with the client in USA. I said ok and attended the interview and traveled back to Canada. During all this time my wife prayed to Sai Baba all day and night. She constantly asks me to join her in prayer, but I always refuse and watch TV. I eventually started to pray so I can make my wife happy.
I was still looking for a job in Canada and called all my friends and family yet no help. 1 week later, I get a call from the same recruiter and she wanted to know when I could join. My wife and I were so happy and she prayed and said thank You to Baba. This was Baba’s miracle yet I was still blind. Now, I will let you all know how Baba opened my eyes and attracted me to His feet. OM SAI SHRI SAI, JAYA JAYA SAI.
Sai, You are my guru. You are my God. You are my love and You are my Lord Ganesha. Few years passed, after I got my new job in USA and we are still going through the immigration issue for migrating my wife to USA. We tried pouring monies to expensive lawyers and called and written to Senator’s and Congressmen, but no luck. So we decided we should move on and start our family. During this time, we got good news from our doctor that my wife was pregnant with our first baby. Om Sai Ram.
All this time my wife started to make me go to temples every time I was visiting her. I started to pray to Lord Ganesh. When my wife was alone, she reads Sai Satcharitra. Months passed and we are near the due date for our baby, but my wife was not in labor and due date passed. We got worried and she asked me to start reading Sai Satcharitra on a Thursday, so I did. She told me that I have to finish the book by next Thursday. The next week Wednesday night one of our friends called us for Dinner and we decided to join them, after a dinner around 10 pm my wife was feeling a little pain so we decide to go to our place.
Exactly on Thursday 2 am, my wife started to go into labor. On Thursday afternoon my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Our Sai was born. One moth latter, I got a letter from immigration that all our issue was resolved and my wife can move to USA along with our baby. Om Sai Ram. Baba opened my eyes and showed me the way to His lotus feet. Ever sense then I am a dust beneath His holly feet. I am praying to Baba for His forgiveness for my past sins and accept my family and me as His own children. With His grace, I had the chance to go to Shirdi with my wife and son.
After my family moved to USA, I contacted my coworker “the one I offended by saying that I don’t believe in Sai” via chat and he was very excited and happy for me. I still feel that I should see him in person and apologize for my foolish behavior. “OM SAI SHRI SAI, JAYA JAYA SAI”.