How Sai Saved Me & My Baby :
Sai Miracle: A female Sai Devotee from India writes:- Om Sai Nathaina maha, Thanks to this blog for creating such a nice platform which helps devotees to boost up their confidence whenever they feel depressed. This blog also very good for to read sai satcharit parayan in most of the languages. Now let me come to my experience, I was a devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba from my Post Graduation but didn’t have strong belief in Him. After my completion of my post graduation, and getting job my parents started looking for marriage proposals.
Some how nothing was settling down, so my parents were little disappointed. However, After a long try, with Sai Baba’s blessings, I have met and got a very nice & wonderful husband. The good thing about him is he is also Sai Devotee and this made me very happy. We were happy couple and time is passing, after certain point we planned to have kids and unfortunately, we came to know that I had some health issues which was the main cause for not having kids. We went to many doctors and tried various consultation and took treatment but was of no use. I was in depression and used to cry a lot because of not having kids, that pain can’t be explained in words, I was desperately waiting for SAI miracles to happen.
Finally, my Sai Baba showed us a way, I came to know about powerful pooja “Nav guruvar Vrat” and we completed 9 weeks vrat successfully. We also did many poojas for Subramanyam Swamy, Hanumanji and also visited so many temples for having kids. Finally, doctors told that there is only one option to have kids, that is IVF (a medical procedure whereby an egg is fertilized in a test tube or elsewhere outside the body). but the chances are very slim. So we decided to go for IVF procedure. Well before this, my my mother suggested to go for an Ayurveda (Herbal) treatment. We decided to give a try for 3 to 4 months, even though my husband did not have any have confidence in the treatment. Good news was after 2 to 3 months of treatment I conceived. There was no bound to our joy and happiness. We started to going for regular check-ups and during my pregnancy, doctors identified that I have low lying placenta which may result in some complications. As i am slowly building confidence on Sai Miracle, I had started reading sai satcharit parayan. During 5 th month of pregnancy, scanning was done and they verified and told that the placenta was moved up. After that everything went so well during pregnancy. Throughout the pregnancy, Sai Baba was giving us a hint that we would be blessed with a baby boy through Baba question and answers site. Before 1 week of my delivery, my husband met with an accident, but survived with minor injuries because of sai miracles.
We thanked Sai for saving him. Finally, I didn’t get delivery pains till due date and we joined in the hospital, doctor planned to induce labour. After some examination, suddenly I started bleeding a lot and i was very much scared. Doctors advised to go for C-section to save me and baby. I lost all hopes that I would be alive; I kept praying Sai Baba to save my baby. HE listened our prayers, and he know what is best and I gave a birth to baby boy. My bleeding was stopped and after our baby was born, my husband got good offer from a big multi national company because of Sai miracles. Now, our little baby also became sai devotee and he listens to Baba’s songs. We are planning to name him with Sai. If Baba didn’t come to our life, we wouldn’t have any life. Today we got many things as we expected because of Sai Baba’s blessings. I always pray HIM to shower His blessings on my husband and baby and me to drive us in proper direction. We are sure he is the GURU of universe and as long as you hold his lotus need to worry for anything in life, there will be always SAI miracles in life . ” Om Samarda sadguru sai nath maharaj ki jai”.