Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I live in Odisha. Thank you for this wonderful site to post sai devotee experiences. I am a house wife having a 2.5 years old daughter. I feel she is Baba’s greatest gift in my life. On 28th of July, she came from her school and complained me of stomach pain. In the evening, I took her to a child specialist. There he prescribed me some medicine.
Before that I should give some brief description about my daughter. She is very much afraid of allopathic medicine and never ever takes them. And by the grace of ‘BABA’ in last 2.5 years, she never complained me of any health issue besides those small cough and cold. But this time, it was serious. She was continuously complaining of pain and I was trying my level best to feed her medicine. But I was failed to feed her those allopathic medicine.
Next day morning (29th July), she started vomiting. Then from the advice of my neighbor, I took her to a homeopathy doctor. He gave us some medicine, which my daughter took easily. But it was not working. She was continuously having stomach pain and vomiting frequency used to increase in evening. Whole night she was awake and crying all the time. You can understand as a mother what I must be feeling that time. It was like hell.2 days passed, but no improvement in her health. Then finally loosing from all side, I just handed over everything to our beloved SAI BABA. I went to my pooja room and cried like a child and told Baba please cure my daughter. I can’t see her suffering like this. And took some UDI and touches Baba ‘s feet and gave that to my daughter and spread some UDI on her stomach. You can’t believe. Till evening (30th) she was much better. Vomiting stopped and she started taking food. Her stomach painwas also less by that time. I was so relaxed that time. I can’t explain it in words. Thank You Baba for everything. Please be with me and my family always. Om Sainathaya Namah.