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Sai Baba Cured My Son Eye Disease – Devotee from Singapore

Anonymous Devotee from Singapore says: Dear Sai Devotees, I wish all are doing well by BABA Grace. I am ardent devotee of our father SAIBABA from childhood. you are doing great job by maintaining this blog.  please edit if necessary. Every day I start my daily life by reading devotees experience in this blog. It increases our faith on our Guru and gives strength to face ups and downs in life. I have infinite miracles with our Baba. This is first time i am posting my experience as i promised to our father Baba.

I am staying in Singapore with my wife and my son who is 11 months old. We were to come back to Singapore from India on 30th October 2013. Before two days of our departure my son got affected withsore eyes. We consulted doctor in India, but they gave some eye drops and said it will cure within one or two weeks. So we came back to Singapore. Suddenly on 31st (Thursday) night around 10 pm blood started flowing from my son’s eyes. We did not know what to do.

Our minds were dumbstruck by seeing blood. Suddenly i got a thought to call my friend by Baba’s grace. He asked us to come to one hospital which is famous in Singapore. So we started by car and we are praying Baba and crying in our minds. We saw doctor in emergency and doctor advised that there is no problem with eyes as we thought he hurt his eyes himself.

We reached home around 3 am in the morning, but still blood was flowing from his eyes so we were praying to Baba in my minds continuously. I have a habit of asking question to Baba by seeing His photo and He gives answer in one form or other. So I asked Baba by crying in my mind and He said no need to worry, everything will be ok, have patience and faith on me.

After one day the flow of blood reduced than earlier. We had another appointment on Monday with senior doctor. She advised it is quite common in kids to get blood in eyes when affected with sore eyes, since kids eyes cannot be cleaned properly when affected. From the time we are interacting with doctor we were praying Baba in minds please Baba everything should be fine. We were just relaxed after listening to doctor. After another two visits to doctor, everything is fine. I thank Baba lot of times from my deep heart. Sorry Baba for delaying in posting the experience. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayak Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sadguru Sai Natha Maharaj Ki Jai.Samasta Lokaha Sukhino Bhavantu


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Sai Baba Miracles