A story by Sai devotee and Sai Baba Devotee Expereince
Today, we are presenting one of the Sai Baba Devotee Expereince and Prayer. I have known and believed in Baba for 26 years now, for the past 5 to 6 years, I have ignored Baba due to many disturbances in my personal life, though I knew that he is with me guiding me all through not giving me bigger problems in life. For the past 4 months, I have been suffering from multiple health issues and am under tremendous stress due to this. I have few tests pending in the month of October and scared of the results, I have been crying for the past one month, When I look back, my mother was very sick in 2009 and Baba saved her, she came out of danger after almost 6 to 8 months. My son got sick with fever for more than a month when he was 2 years old, fever never came down with medicines, I was so scared and prayed Baba that I would stop eating non veg for one month every year, if he gets better and he got better by Baba’s grace.
You may also read the Sai Baba Miracle Stories and Devotee Experiences.

My MIL had health issues, I prayed to Baba, that it shud be minor issues and he helped us with it, she is fine now. My dad once got sick and had to get all tests done including ecg, I was so scared and prayed to Baba, my dad,s results came out fine… recently my husband’s van got in into a big accident, but by Baba’s grace, he did not have even a scratch on his body In this way Baba was always with me helping which I never realized and took it for granted all these years. Today, my health has gone wrong, I am just 40 and have young children, I am hoping Baba will make sure my tests are clean and I will not have any major health issues. I believe in Baba that he will save me, so will share a happy post next month with happy news Until then please bless me Baba and stay with me as always Om sri sai ram!.
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