Hi, today we are presenting one of the Sai Baba Devotee Experiences with a title of Sai Baba Divine Blessings. Please share this blog and keep visiting for more Shirdi Sai Miracles.
I am a Sai devotee from India. I would like to thank the entire team for enabling all Sai devotees from around the world to connect on this Divine platform to express their love and devotion to our dearest Sai and share His wonderful miracles.
I consider myself truly blessed when I became an ardent Sai devotee in 2010 when I started experiencing several miracles of Sai. I would like to share 2 recent experiences.
In May this year, I accompanied my aged father to the US on a short visit for a family get together for a very special occasion, which again was due to Baba’s Divine Blessings. My father had many age-related health issues and I was nervous to take him on such a long flight. But I prayed sincerely to my dear Saimaa to take care of us. Our loving Sai who always responds to His devotee’s calls, blessed me with His Darshan in the form of a picture just as we were driving out of our house to the airport. It filled my heart with immense joy to see His picture at 3 am on a car in a deserted street. Instantly, all my fears vanished, knowing our kind Baba is accompanying us on the trip. With His blessings, we had a wonderful journey and a great family reunion. My father and I returned safely and I would like to express my thanks to our beloved Sai through this post.
You should not miss the Sai Divya Pooja Procedure.

Another recent Leela was when he blessed my son with a change of job at the right time. My son’s first job in Europe was also with His blessings and miracle about which I had written in my earlier post. He had good teammates and even got a promotion after 18 months with Sai’s Grace. After working there for about two and a half years, my son wanted a more challenging and motivating job with better career prospects. He started applying for jobs in another country and I prayed to Sai to guide and bless him. Before every interview schedule, I would pray and watch Sai live darshan, from Shirdi, and Baba was always dressed in the exact colours I visualized Him in. My son cleared all the interview rounds successfully and finally, the onsite interview took place on a Thursday. I was also visiting a famous Hanuman Temple for 5 Thursdays and my son cleared the final round and received the job offer on the 5th Thursday after I visited the Hanuman Temple. Thanks, Hanuman and Baba for the smooth and successful processing of my son’s work permit and visa formalities.
That’s all devotees about Sai Baba Divine Blessings. Thanks to all Sai devotees for patiently reading my post. My prayers to Baba to fulfill all His devotee’s wishes. Om Sai Ram!.
In case if you are interested in this: Growing Star Fruit In Backyard.
Simply wonderful, reaffirming stories of our dear Baba.
Baba, keep blessing us
Heal my mother
Cure N and me
Keep the world in good health, my dear Baba, specially those who are sick and poor