Shirdi Sai Baba Grace – Devotee Experiance from South Africa
Today, Sai devotee presenting Sai Baba Grace and his Blessings, let us put this as it is : I am writing this post with the grace and blessings of Shirdi Sai Baba, I hail from KZN South Africa and wish to remain anonymous. This is my first time posting, I become a devotee of Sai Baba about 4 to 5 months ago even though I always prayed to Baba during my examinations.
This has been the worst year by far for me, I have lost my job, the love of my life, my friends and my health has deteriorated, I was in total despair, distress and utterly depressed.
Then one morning I was chatting to an old colleague and discussing my problems with her, she advised that I should do the 9 Thursdays Sai Vrat, I then took a vow and told Baba that if I complete this 9 Thursdays Sai Vrat with due formalities then please bring back my lost lover, he is the man I dated and loved for 5 years and although he moved on I couldnt see him with anyone else, I wanted him back because I knew deep down in my heart and soul that he and I are destined to be together and we are truly soulmates
So I started the Vrat and I kept praying, crying and begging Baba day and night to bring back my lover, I prayed for nothing else but for my ex boyfriend to come back to me, as time went by, although he had a rebound girl, my ex boyfriend and I continued chatting and meeting up, communication between us was amazing, we understand one another now and we don’t fight or agrue and that is all praise to our beloved guru, Sri Sainath. I daily go on to the Q & A site and Babas words were always positive, most of the time, Baba indicated that my wish will be fulfilled and I will get the blessings of Sri Sai,
I always read other peoples leelas here and they used to mention about the Sai Satcharitra, In my head I was like no I am not going to read it because I am doing the Vrat but behold, the day of guru purnima while I was busy on my computer, something told me to download the Sai Satcharitra and start reading it immediately, I listened to my gut and read the book, it was a Tuesday and I completed it on the that Thursday, so I read it in just 2 1/2 days.

On my 7th or 8th week, my ex boyfriends surprised me by coming to my birthday party and with presents, I was so overjoyed, at the moment I felt that Baba answered my prayers but then he continued blocking and unblocking me and was still with this girl, everytime I felt I was winning this war and battle of love, I lost and everytime I thought I was losing my lover , I won, I didnt know what to do or how to make sense of anything but i continued praying and chanting to our beloved Sai because I knew that true love and devotion along with the blessings of Sai Baba, I would get my lost lover back. I just continued having faith because thats all I knew.
You may also consider to read the Sai Baba Devotee Miracle Stories.
Upon completion of my Vrat, my lover unblocked me on WhatsApp without even asking him too and this was after 1 year 1 month and 1 day, I was so shocked and surprised (note: We used to communicate only via sms, Instagram and phone calls). I always got two videos calls from him already and it is all because of Sai Baba’s blessings
During the course of my Vrat, I also went to visit his mum because she and I are close and she was also telling me that in her heart she knows that he and I will get married, I was so overwhelmed, I pray to Baba for her words to come true.
My ex boyfriend still takes my advice and confides in me about everything. Although my ex boyfriend and I are not yet back together as a couple, I do know in my heart and with Baba’s miracluous blessings that he and I will get back together very soon as a couple, as I got many indications from Baba that my ex boyfriend and I are definitely meant to be.
Yesterdaynon the Q & A site, I asked if my ex boyfriend and I will become a couple again and Baba’s answer was ” All your prayers will be answered, Sri Sai blessings are with you, make sure this is what u really want”
Shirdi Sai Baba, Sri Sainath, please Baba, I firstly want to thank for everything you have done for me thus far, I love u Baba, I promised you that I will only post on the site when he and I are together as a couple again but I feel, that I just need to post this story now, Baba I pray to you with full love faith and devotion that you fulfill my hearts desires and u bring him back in my life, as u are never untrue to ur words.
I will post again once my ex boyfriend and I are back together, devotees, if you truly believe in love then I ask for u to please pray for me, so that my lover, who I would give my life up for, comes back to me as soon as possible, please pray we reunite as a couple soon, I know he loves me, his just confused with all the mistakes and fights we used to have. I want be married to him before lord rama next birthday. Forgive me if I sound like a mad lover but the heart wants what it wants.
Om Shirdi Sai Baba, Om Sri Sainath, Om Sri Saimaa Om Sri Sai, Om Sai Sai Sai, hoping sai always showers his blessings and every body will have Sai Baba grace.
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