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Sai Baba Solved My Financial Problem – Devotee from India

Sai Sister Gargi Ji from India says: I am Professor now devoted in to research work and Sai Aradhana. I really liked this blog and  Whenever I feel low, I immediately open your website to relax my mind. Sai Baba played a very significant role in my life. He completely transformed my way of living. I wish if I had known about Shri Sai Baba few years back, then my life would have been much better. After going through devotees experiences, I decided to write my experience in your blog too.

In my life Baba has done many miracles and fulfilled  many wishes. But still there are both good timesand bad times. Few months back, I was totally hopeless and depressed due to I resigned from my job for many issues. I was only focusing on my research work. But due to my income totally stopped, I had to depend upon my husband for sometimes.

One day I was very much depressed and prayed Baba at least do something to sort out my problem. Even I said from anywhere if I will get 500 Rs. per month, I will be happy. Then one day I came to know about a Scholarship scheme for those are having very good academic track record. So immediately I applied. But three months passed, there was no reply from them.  I thought my application perhaps rejected or documents missed somewhere. Again I underwent depression.

One day on a Thursday, I received an e-mail from that authority to send some urgent documents immediately. So this was a small ray of hope for me that at least they have gone through my profile. After sending the details, I did not receive any replies from them. One day I decided to go for Sai Guruvar Vrat with a wish for solving my financial problem. Simultaneously I was also reading Sai Satcharitra daily. One day I felt so low that I decided to visit nearby Sai temple. When I touched the feet of Sai Baba, immediately a flower from Baba’s idol fall on my side. I was very happy and thought perhaps it’s a sign of blessings.


On my 3rd week of Thursday Vrat, one day in an afternoon I received a letter. When I opened the letter anxiously with a curiosity what I saw I was awarded scholarship of a very good amount. I couldn’t control my tears. I just sat in front of Baba and did not able to utter a single word. Thank You Baba. Thanks a lot for solving one of the biggest problems of my life. It is again proved that with Sai Baba everything is possible, but with Shraddha and Saburi only. Jai Sai Nath.


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Sai Baba Miracles