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Sai Baba Miracles:






Sai Baba’s Grace On Me And My Daughter – Devotee from Singapore

Priya Ji from Singapore says: I am Priya, 30 years old, presently staying in Singapore. I have been a believer of Sai Baba for the past 15 years, but I am not a very religious person. I respect all religions and accept all forms of God. But I always felt a personal connection with Sai Baba. These are two incidents that shows Baba’s grace is on me and my family. Om Sai Ram.

I am married for 8 years, but I was not happy in it. It appeared that everything seemed fine, but I had a lot of emptiness and loneliness within me. Even my daughter could not fill the vacuum in my heart. I was always questioned by my conscious. I needed many answers to many incidents that happened in my life, before and after wedding. I was going through a very emotional pain and anguish. I always had been supportive for everyone who needed me in my family, but nobody stood for me and supported me when I needed some help. It is not a financial crisis, I think something of that sort can be overcome.
It becomes very terrible to bear the mental anguish and emotional hurt. I developed a feeling to stop showing love and affection to people. I almost started living like a nun and tried to remain as a rock. Only for my daughter, I chose to be normal because. My husband tried his best to cheer me up. He took me to holidays and spent so much time and money, buying me everything he could, so that he could see me happy. Last week, we returned from a holiday, but still I couldn’t calm myself down. I wanted to go to a psychologist, but I came across Sai Baba quotes and tried to relieve myself of this emotional pain.

I started watching Sai Baba serial episodes from Sept 25th. My heart was very heavy with pain and emotions, that I prayed to Him to heal me. On 26th Sept, I woke up with a very light heart. I felt very different and very happy. I began watching only His episodes in internet. I felt that all my questions were being answered and I found the true purpose of my life. My daughter asked me on 27th night about Sai Baba. I always had the photo in my handbag, but after I moved to Singapore, I did not take it anytime. I took it on that day only from my handbag and kept it near my bedside. She saw His small photo and kissed it.

The next morning, she woke up early and we decided to go out and spend some time at library. While I was trying to get her in the bathtub, she slipped from my hands and fell. She hit her head to the edges of the tub and started to bleed. Her front tooth broke partly and her lip got cut at the corner. I felt terrified seeing her bleed, and panicked because I was in a foreign country without my husband. I started praying and kept on repeating Sai Baba’s name and tried to pacify her. Her bleeding stopped in sometime and she is fine now. It is a miracle to me, because she kissed Him a night before and the next day He saved her from some terrible fall, only with a minor injury.


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Sai Baba Miracles