Prema from Uganda says: I am Prema Sridharan and am residing in Uganda. I would like to narrate how Sai came into my life and how blessed I am since then. Not only for me but also for my family members with whom all I shared his Grace and Divinity! I would like to share my latest experience with His Divinity and how he has saved my sister from the jaws of death. It is a miracle she is even living today although still in ICU but she is recovering.
In my family myself and my eldest sister suffer from a series of health issues. My friend introduced me to Sai pooja and since I started believing in HIM I am able to tackle my health issues better. However my sister has rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension and diabetes and six months back she started an infection which resulted in her throwing up food and having irritable bowel syndrome. She visited several gastro-enterologists and was put on different medication. Nothing helped and she was admitted to Malar hospital in Chennai but she came out in a worse condition. She was then taken to another hospital where they struggled to find out the cause for her illness but by then she had become too frail and weak as she could not eat anything. So even performing endoscopy on her became an impossibility. She became bedridden, too weak to get up or move, but the doctors insisted she should not be lying in one position as she could get bedsore so she tried to walk a few steps but unfortunately fell down and broke her hip and sustained head injuries. It developed into an emergency operation for her but seeing her parameters doctors decided there was no other alternative but to administer general anesthesia.
The operation got over but things worsened as she started bleeding everywhere when they did the endoscopy after the operation and she did not come out of anesthesia within the expected duration and had to be placed on ventilator support. She became critical as they told us her ventilator support could not be extended beyond 48 hrs and for us there was no other hope but to turn to Sai as even doctors could not give us any assurance. My whole family was praying and I turned to Sai and asked him for mercy for her life. When I opened the Sai sat charita I got to read the story of the two goats and how Sai liberates us from the bond of Karma and saves us at the right time! I pleaded with Sai to relieve her from her karma and give her His divine grace and life back! The whole night I cried and prayed for some good news. It was such a trying time for my family.
The next day after nearly 30 hrs when I called up her son who was attending on her in the hospital, he told us they had removed the ventilator support and she started breathing normally. She is still in ICU now it is the third day as I am writing this, she is improving slowly but steadily. It is Sai who has given her life back and we are ever grateful to Sai for this real life miracle and we are continuing to pray to Him to bring her back home safe with her normal health regained. Thank You Sai I have no words to thank you but I am struck with wonder and amazement to realise how real You are! You are indeed a living GOD and a living legend and I request You Sai to please continue to Bless me and my family and offer support to all those who are in need of your help. Thank you Sai once again and I shall perform the nine weeks prayer as I promised and prayed to you! OM SAI RAM! JAI SAI RAM!