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Sai Navgurvar Vrat Mahima – Anonymous Devotee from USA

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Sai Ram , You are doing a great service as I feel this blog is more or less equivalent to the modern Satcharitra. Reading the devotees’ experiences here gives us hope that Baba is very much present and responds to His devotees in distress if their wishes are pure.

I come from a normal middle class family in USA where my father is the sole breadwinner. One day, my mother was complaining to my father that he never pays attention to God and does not do any puja. They had an argument and she felt quite upset. That day itself, we got a call that my dad was in an accident and he crashed into a building. We were relieved to hear that he was fine. However, when he crashed into the building, a lady who was in the building got hurt. We were scared as we know in USA that any small thing can be made into a huge deal if it involves people and make us pay a huge amount of money.

We got a call from that lady’s husband that they had to remove her gallbladder, which didn’t make sense to us. The next day, they already appointed a lawyer, who asked about my father’s assets. My father didn’t say any specifics, but he told him he was a normal person, who has to pay for my sister’s and my college tuition fees. Then my mother started the Nav Guruvar Vrat to get us out of this mess.

Meanwhile, our insurance wanted to pay all the money under our coverage for the other family’s medical bill without any investigation. Even after the insurance payment, we would have to pay about $200,000, which is a huge amount. While my father was consulting with his friends and his company’s lawyer, my mother was doing her Vrat as usual. On the 7th Thursday, my mom asked Baba to please show some indication as this is going nowhere. That night itself, my mom got a dream in which she saw an old Sadhu, who looked similar to Baba. She asked Him if their case is going to be solved. He said there will not even be a case and nothing bad will happen to us. She was happy. However, opposite things seemed to happen when our insurance told that they are going to pay the full amount and advised us to either pay the asked amount or consult a lawyer. It is as if Baba was testing our faith.

My father was very tensed while my mom had full faith in Baba. After the Vrat, my dad got an e-mail out of the blue from the family’s lawyer that they accepted the full amount from the insurance and they were fine with it. My dad was stunned and he himself realized it was purely due to Baba’s miracle. Out of this incident, two good things happened. After the accident, the police officer, who attended the situation, made my father take the health examination. In that test, we found that his blood sugar levels were very high and there was even some protein in his urine. If this didn’t happen, his diabetes would have gone unnoticed and he would have had much serious complications. Now, my father also tries to go to Baba’s temple every Thursday. From this incident, all I can say is that if we hold onto Baba and surrender ourselves to Him, He will always protect us and will look after our welfare.



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Devotee Experience

Sai Baba Miracles