Anonymous devotee from India says: Sai Ram , I started reading this blog recently and these experiences of children of Sai Baba increase more faith within the devotees. On reading these experiences I feel more blessed and happy. Sometimes when I am in any problem, these experiences with grace of Sai Baba provide me with solutions. you are really doing a wonderful job and I pray to Sai Baba to always bless you and your family. Please do not disclose my name and email id. I am devotee of Shree Sai Baba from some years, Baba has always guided me, blessed me in many ways. I am so happy to say that I always feel that he is always with me wherever I am. Whenever I am in any problem, i just say his name (Om Sai Ram) and I feel my problem is already been solved.
I was really disturbed from two ,three months due to problems going on in my love life and career too. I am repeatedly giving competitive exams for government job but, even after trying again and again, I was not able to clear the exams. I have faith on Sai Baba from many years and thanks to him that he is always with me. Recently, I was very disturbed with all the problems going on in my life as one of my aunt is really sick and on the same time I got to know that the guy I want to marry, our kundali didn’t match, so his family is not ready for our marriage and there are several problems occurring and I was also not able to get any government job as my exams were not clearing. Due to all these problems at once I wasn’t able to concentrate on anything and I was stressed and hopeless.
This is where due to grace of Sai Baba my faith in him increased more as he came in my dream. In my dream I saw a big Sai Baba’s white colored statue in the centre of open verandah and many people coming to worship him and I saw myself standing behind a pillar looking at Sai Baba and suddenly his face turned towards me and he was smiling and calling me towards him with love as if he is telling I am there for you, come to me, I will end all your worries and sorrows. This was the first time I saw him in dream. When I got up in morning I was so happy and feeling blessed to see him in my dream as I had read on internet that seeing Sai Baba in dream is being blessed by him. He has blessed me by coming in my dream many times after this dream and is still blessing me in this way. Even two days before I was blessed by him in dream again. I wish to be blessed by him like this again and again.
As I have mentioned above after trying again and again I wasn’t able to clear exam for government job. So, I decided to do 7 day parayan of Sai Satcharitra as I came to know that if parayan of Sai Satcharitra gets completed in 7 days starting from Thursday and ending on Wednesday then, depending on our faith Sai Baba fulfill our wish. I asked Sai pa to bless me to complete parayan as without his blessings nothing is possible. I completed parayan on time and asked Sai pa that please bless me and clear my IBPS PO exam with good marks and also be with me forever and bless me.
After giving the exam, I was waiting for results to come. after one month on Wednesday I got a dream in which I saw I got a key from a precious box to a door, I opened the door and found stairs going somewhere to the top and I started climbing the stairs and suddenly I woke up from my sleep and saw the clock, it was 6′ o clock in morning.
I didn’t understood the dream that day, next day was Thursday I was doing household works suddenly some fakir came to our house gate, he asked for some money. I went inside and brought some rupees for him. I gave him rupees with respect and I asked him Are you Sai Baba, he was smiling and said no I am peer Baba, We wish from heart for people so that their wish get fulfilled. He was smiling and seemed happy. I asked him would you like to eat something, he said what do you have, I brought some parathas for him, which he took happily and kept his hand on my forehead blessing me. He said Allah will fulfill all your wishes, you will be a officer. After saying this he smiled and went ahead. Just after this wonderful experience I was happy recalling the experience then, randomly I was surfing on internet I thought I should check the results and I found that results are out. I checked the results and I was shouting with joy as my exam was cleared, my eyes was full of tears realizing the miracle of Sai pa, all the happiness and blessing he give me,
I was convinced that the fakir who came to my house few minutes before was no other than my Sai pa and he blessed me so beautifully. He takes care of his millions of children very nicely at the same time. He is everywhere. This is just one experience of mine out of many such experiences. I feel Sai Baba is always by my side helping me to live in this world, teaching me how to follow good path, helping me to be stable in bad times, to remain same in both happy times and bad times. He is greatest. I love you Sai pa. I pray to Sai Baba to fulfill wishes of all those who read miracles of Sai Baba and also increase more faith in the devotees. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Namoh Namah. Shree Sai Namoh Namah. Jai Jai Sai Namoh Namah. Sadguru Sai Namoh Namah.
Yes, Sai baba is everywhere. Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai !!