Dear Sai Devotees, Let me explain you the Reason behind for starting this website. You can consider this as one of the sai devotee stories. I have read many sai devotee stories before but never experienced myself. However, the miracle with Baba is explained below.
Sai is the Reason why we are here Reading all this Experiences. Let Me Introduce Myself..My Name is Reddy and basically from corner village of Andhra Pradesh, India. I had grown up in my village till Tenth standard and got my Engineering Degree in 1997, Till this time, I was not aware of any God/Power/Spirituality and rarely visited any temples..but always kind enough to treat Poor just equal to anybody..and I never had any Jealous in the past and will never have in the future… In 1997 August 5th, I flew to USA on H1-B and Landed in Atlanta. I have to narrate an incident before this, After applying H1 papers, Papers were delayed for 7 months and I was tensed..One day I had come across a situation where one old bearded guy was begging near my brothers house in malakpet, Hyderabad and I had given him 2 rupees..Miraculously I got my H1 papers for stamping in two weeks, But I was ignorant to realize the fact of super power. After landing in USA, I got a project with Client and Started working n mainframes , in P&C insurance for CSC/Farmers Insurance.

I got married and lost my job in 2002 (Dot com bubble was ruptured). I was little depressed and no clue about the future. One of my friend (who happened to be Sai Devotee) sent me a holy book “Sai Satcharitra”. After Reading the book for a week, I got a call from the same client..but still was kind of a normal guy but never thought of Reality ….My life went very smooth and I invested in India In Real-Estate ..I got My GC(Green Card) in 2004 and blessed with a daughter, so no issues till 2009. And got good Returns for my investment in India. Somehow my mind /soul became Restless in 2009 and took a decision to move back to India for good, leaving Green card in trash. After coming to India I was jobless and again in depression stage, I started again Reading Sai SatCharitra , did the Sapta parayan….On Last day Of Parayan , On Thursday, I was preparing to go for the early morning around 8 am, I prayed Baba and came out of pooja room and was dressing..My Servant came down and said..somebody is calling…I was little irritated and said..ask them to leave but Immediately I had realized the fact that it might be Sai Baba ( As I found in Sat charitra, Baba will come in any form to bless their devotees), I rushed to Balcony and saw two persons standing at the gate. Immediately I rushed down and opened the person is middle aged guy who came with the old person who was in kashaym Dress wearing eye glasses and jole (bag on shoulder)and had white bearded.
I questioned them about their identity..He answered saying he just completed SAIKOTI ( Writing sai name 1 crore times) and asked me to donate Rice for 15 people..I said, I don’t have Rice but I can give money and gave 700 Rs. They were happy and blessed with viboodi and left. I was wondering whether that was sai or not..I was searching for a logic..(when I asked them why there were there, they said…they came too see Ramesh (who was my neighbor) and he was not available so they stopped at my place)…I was watching them from balcony and they walked very fast with out stopping at any house..So I was kind of confused and called all the people my lanes and asked whether those people came to their houses..the answer is “NO”. Later in the evening I asked Ramesh, whether he knows them..he said..He does not know anybody…that’s it..I felt he is none other than “SAI” and felt very happy. I went to interview and Got Selected without any problem..Meanwhile I got an idea of going to Shirdi and put the offer letter on Baba’s feet. I went to shiridi and stood in the line for Darshan…it was around 11:50 am eavrybody stopped for Madhayn Aarti, we were almost in the temple , I clould able see Baba Idol. Baba was wearing violet color dress..and I was chanting like they should change to blue (I came in the blue bus, I got selected for Dell, whose official color is also blue) my surprise they changed to Blue color Dress for Madhyan Aarti…Wow what a miracle..I was so happy and returned from shirdi. I started going for my Job and I was not comfortable for obvious reasons (as Dell is completely into manufacturing and Logistics)..So I quit my job and worried..and It was shock for me , no words…I am not sure why Baba Want to do all this…I tried in many companies..but everywhere they are not looking for more than 15 years exp in IT. Baba gave me good money..but I have problem of getting a job..One day I was thinking about baba and crying, and got an idea of I started this site Hope Baba will always with me and shower his blessing on all Devotees. Guys, keep faith in him, Rest will be taken Care “Shri Samarda Sadguru Sai Nath Maha Raj Ki Jai”. Please I request all sai devotees to share your experiences on this site and book mark this for your daily reading. That’s all about sai devotee stories. Please share this site and share your experiences as well. Baba Bless you all.
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