Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi all, I am from New Delhi, an ardent devotee of Sai Baba. I would like share with you all the recent experience I had with Baba. Before that I would like to thank everyone who is a part of the team for such a wonderful work.
Last week on Saturday, my sister complained about Chest Pain. We took her to doctor. Though doctor did not say anything, but her expressions told us that there is something serious. It was not a normal pain. She advised a test and asked us to come back with report. That night and next whole day, I was so restless and worried. Though I was praying to Baba and had full faith in Him, still I could not find peace within myself.
Next day around 6 pm, we were supposed to get the report. While we were leaving home, my sister said that she wants to go to Sai Temple first and then collect report whereas I had thought of going to Sai temple after showing report to Doctor for thanking him. But how could I deny such an innocent wish of my sister. So, we decided to go to Baba’s temple first. Now the miracle happens, the moment I entered temple, I saw Baba wearing a GREEN dress (as we generally say that seeing Baba in green means a yes or a positive sign that the wish will be fulfilled) and my happiness knew no bound. It was as if Baba has told me to relax that everything will be alright.
Seeing Baba in green I just felt happy within my mind, but my sister could not control her happiness. She later told me that she prayed to Baba within her mind if she sees Baba wearing Green, she will take it as a positive sign that everything will be alright. This means Baba in different ways assured both of us. Now you all know what happened next. Baba kept His words, report was normal. I then again went with whole family late in the evening to temple to thank Him.
Baba, be with my family always. You know I can’t see anyone in pain. Keep all Your devotees always healthy. Fulfill all our wishes. We may forget You, but don’t forget us. We may leave You, but don’t leave us. Love You Baba.