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Sai Baba Miracles:






Wonderful Miracles of SAI – Devotee from India

Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all my Sai devotees. Hope you all be good with the grace of SaiNath. I am feeling very happy to share my valuable feelings with you all. I had been attached with Baba from my childhood but I had become His daughter since 2007 when He entered in my life as the most important person. He became a part of my heart, soul and mind. I am a regular reader of this blog. Whenever I feel sad or disturbed, I just go on reading the miracles posted in this blog. Sometimes it also happened that I got solution from these miracles as you all know Sai’s method is unique and He knows what is best for us. There are many miracles happened in my life and I think it will take me some months or more than that to complete it if i start writing from today.

Now moving towards the experience: Recently i had my birthday. In the morning, I prayed Baba” please come to my home in any form and bless me”. As the time passes I totally forgot about this. Suddenly at night I remembered about this and thought that “I had called Baba so eagerly but He did not come” and felt sad. The next day, my best friend had come to meet me as she could not come yesterday. She brought a marvellous picture (of black metal) of Baba. I was so surprised how it can be possible??? Interesting part is that she was to bring Saree for me as a gift and it was confirmed. But I am surprised how her mind changed from Saree to Baba’s Photo. It’s all because of Baba’s blessings. I was as happy as Baba fulfilled my wish. You must be thinking Baba had not come home on the day of my birth so how He fulfilled my wish?? To this, my answer is as per my birth time calculation it was still some hours left to end my birthday. I was so excited and prepared Sooji ka halwa (Semolina Pudding) for the first time as Prasad for Baba and luckily it was so tasty.

Now moving to Udi’s miracle: In the year of 2013, two to three days before Ramanavami festival my dad had severe pain in his stomach due to gastric. He was so restless at that time. No medicines were of use. His pain was still continuing. On the day of Ramanavami in the evening, he went to Baba’s Mandir for Darshan and desperately prayed Baba to stop the pain. At that time he took some Udi and applied in his stomach. The nextmoment, the pain vanished. His eyes were full of tears and he fell at Baba’s feet. After that incident he became more close to Baba. I am so lucky to have Sai Baba as my father. Whenever I am in problem, He is always there for me. He even had touched my head for two times. It was a different experience for me. At first time when I was sleeping at night not deeply at that I was like crying and praying Baba as I was so disturbed in my personal life. Suddenly I felt someone touching my head (a feeling i am there for you). I was afraid at that time. I was so fool thinking that may be ghost had come but no it was my Baba. Slowly i had started realising that but at that time i was so afraid that i was not turning back to see what was that.

The next morning I made chits to know whether he was Baba or not. Luckily I got an answer “yes”. It is my usual method whenever I am confused or unable to decide at that time I follow chit system and ask Baba what to do. I felt happy that Baba is there for me at my difficult times. Second time, Baba had touched my head during the Parayan time. It was on Tuesday night I again felt some one touching my head. At that time, I thought Baba is touching and turned back to see but i cannot turn. I can only feel it. After this incident had took I had asked one Sai devotee who has some power and can tell past and future events and he said “yes” it was Baba and my faith confirmed. For me Baba is human being. I talked with Him every day, share my feelings as like one daughter does with her father. Baba it’s only Your blessings that I am able to post this experience. Please forgive me if there is any mistake. Keep this love for me always. May Sai bless me and all and fulfil all our wishes. Om Sai Namo Namah Sri Sai Namo Namah Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah Sadguru Sai Namo Namah


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Devotee Experience

Sai Baba Miracles