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Sai Baba Recent Miracles, and Prayers from Devotees

A couple of Sai Baba recent miracles and prayer requests from devotees.

Story#1: Feeling lost – help me Sai

Om sai ram!
My day starts and ends with your chant. Then why sai why are you leaving us in trouble. We have a bad lady as a neighbor who is unfairly and constantly troubling us for a year. She talks about equal rights and in fact attains more than she deserves by just yelling at us despite her rent being half of ours. We as baba devotees cannot yell or fight but stayed helpless. We complained to owners who are our family friends but they too for reason not known didn’t intervene. I begged sai to help us come out of this trouble as it is disturbing our peace of mind every day. I asked baba in question and answer site and he replied as the calamity will be solved by 2 men who come within 8 and asked to be patient.

I believed in sai very patiently and after the 8th-day situation got worse and she came to an intolerable state and we really feel like vacating and leave. What troubles me more is why did baba lie to me. If it’s not him should we really not believe in question and answers website. I believed as if he answered with complete faith and hope and I gained nothing. Why did baba leave us to suffer get insulted humiliated and finally we are about to give up and leave our house just because of unfair deeds of a lady where we didn’t get help from our owners thought they are our family friends.

Dear sai devotees, please don’t take me wrong that I’m talking ill of baba. I can’t live without him for a minute but I need some answer for my question for my self consolation and to heal myself to get back to my normal spiritual life. Please do guide me sai!.

Sai Baba recent miracles story#2: Endometriosis cured without a medicine 

Om sai ram. I have been a bhakta of Sai Babaji since my young age. Now I am 43. It started in November 2018, I started having some problems during periods. But neglected the same until March 2019 as my child was in class 10 and I decided to focus on her studies than my health. But suddenly on March 19, I got very restless and went to my gynecologist to seek medical help. She did an ultrasound and told me there is a very big cyst in your ovary and you need to get some tests immediately to rule out that it is cancerous or not. I followed her advice, got the test done. In the evening the report came and it was a shock to me that report was indicating chances of the cancerous cyst. The world came to an end in my mind. The gynecologist immediately directed me to get MRI done, which I got done the next day that was the Holi festival. Life came to standstill.MRI result said its endometriosis.

In case if you miss this: Baba Thursday Vrat Miracle.

Sai Baba Recent Miracles.
Sai Baba Recent Miracles.

After that days kept moving and I started consultation with many doctors and the majority of them suggested surgery to remove my complete reproductive system. But I kept remembering my sai Babaji and after the trauma of two months when we finally decided to go for surgery, we met a doctor by the grace of sai Babaji who said that there is no need for surgery and not even medicines. She told me to wait for 3 months and then review. I kept my prayers on and regularly took sai babhuti. To my surprise and by blessings of sai Babaji when after 3 months in the month of August 2019 I got my ultrasound there was no cyst and no endometriosis. My reproductive system was all functioning normally. During this whole trauma, I chanted sai Sanhita, went to Shirdi, and took bhabhuti prasad regularly. I can say from my experience Sai Babaji does miracles and I have observed many other miracles also. JAI SAI RAM.

Story#3: Need Sai Appa blessing to get a job

My name is Ramya. Due to COVID-19, I and my husband lost a job. We are not sure what next and we did not plan properly for the future. I am doing my 9 Thursday Vratha. Every day I pray to cry to Sai Appa please help us.believed in Sai. But as he says in Sai Satcharithra he never left us without money. We did not expect we will be given compensation from the government and we got money monthly for 4 months One way or another we were blessed to get help Strongly believed in Sai Appa I used to cry before him to give a job.

One Thursday morning I saw a Sai message Not to worry and he will take care
I believed it and yes I got a job offer the same day I can’t express how happy I was and he blessed even before my 9-week Vratha completed I still strongly believe still my husband will get a job before my 9-week Vrat complete. Om Sai ram

Sai Baba recent miracles story#4: Thank you for helping us at the correct time always

Thank you Hetal Ji for this wonderful website. I want to keep myself anonymous.
I am sorry Baba for writing it so late. There are a lot of tensions, fear going around this world. Please baba helps us all and keep us safe.
2 months my father had a little cold and cough. I was very scared and prayed to baba. He is allergic to dust. So asked baba please his cold shoulder go away. Within 2 days he got fine and baba helped us.

Next experience, my little one who is now 4 months old, he is now in my hand all because of baba. When he was 1 month old, one day he was continuously crying and we guessed it was a tummy ache. Then I prayed to Baba to make his tummy ache fine and sleep nicely. Within a few minutes, he stopped crying and started to sleep nicely and woke up and started to smile. Thank you so much baba.

Next experience, my dad and aunty wanted to go to India. So I prayed to Baba that they should get tickets and if they get tickets their seats should be next to each other and yes my lovely baba listened to my prayers and he has given seats next to each other. By babas blessings, they should finish their quarantine and reach home safely. Please baba help us. Please baba.

That’s all folks about recent Shirdi sai baba miracles and prayer requests from devotees. Don’t forget to share your experience here. In case if you are interested in this: Real Ways to Make Money from Home.


  1. Dear Sai Devotee,

    All of us are going thru difficulties since last few years. Probably karma cleansing is happening for all of us. God wants us to be more close to Him. He is teaching us life lessons and leading us towards self-realization. Sadguru does this for his devotees once we surrender to Him. He knows what we have to go thru and when. It’s our mistake that we think Baba will make our life Blissful once we start following Him. We’ve to face our past life and current life karmas.

    Baba never lies. That number 8 could be 8 weeks or 8 months. Even if you leave the house, some other problem will come on your way in the new house. Please keep reading Sai Satcharita and chant Baba’s name. You will get peace of mind. Have faith. Baba will guide you how to navigate thru this problem. We can’t stop the storm. But with Baba’s blessings, we will remain calm and the storm will pass thru. Assume that you are driving on ghat road that is part of journey in this life. Baba is around you. We have to face the result of karma. God will help you go thru this with peace of mind if you sincerely pray and have faith in Him. If you have time, do Parayan. Complete the reading of Sai Satcharita in one week. Start on a thursday and end on the next wednesday. Pray Baba to give you strength and peace of mind to go thru the difficulties. Read the Epilogue on the next thursday, ending the Parayan. Baba will surely help.

    Om Sai Ram.

  2. Dear Sai relative never give hope Sai Appa knows the ripe moment only patience is needed he will hold our hands and support us. Everytime I pray Sai Appa I am an infant in your arms I can feel his presence during tough days he has held me and helped me even today I am earnestly praying him to take care of my mother I know he is always with us be cheerful may be our prayers are not perfect but still his blessings is very great.Jai Sai Ram

  3. Baba please forgive my mistakes,and I promise you it won’t happen again.Baba please guide me in a right direction, please Baba forgive me, please Baba don’t angry with me anymore ,please heal my husband,cure him without chemo Baba,I am nothing without you Baba. Please Baba I am begging you cure my husband and give your blessings to him.I always depend upon you Baba.satokoti pranam to your lotus feet.om sai shree sai Jai Jai sai.


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Sai Baba Miracles