Interview Miracle: I remember this day very well ! It was on 23 September 2014, I had my very first interview.I was in my 5th semester BSc Computer Science. I had no idea how an interview would be. I had not prepared for any questions that will be asked in an interview.I went there and we had our 1st round where we had to answer aptitude test questions and only people who have the marks more than the company’s cut off marks are eligible to take up that test. But I was 0.5 mark less than the cut off, so I was tensed if I would fail in the interview. But I kept on repeating Saibaba’s name and when I was rejected from attending the test I came out and saw the company’s HR standing near the door.He looked at me and asked me what happened.

I told him that I was just 0.5 less than the cut off mark so i’m not eligible. But then he took me inside and made changes in the cut off mark and asked me to take up the test.This was the 1st MIRACLE I experienced on that day.Then after 2 hours the result was displayed and it was a surprise !! I had passed the test and was selected for my 2nd round of the interview and had to answer questions. Then out of 10 questions asked I answered only 3 correctly and thought that I would lose my chance of getting through this interview.The Team lead who was questioning me was not satisfied and since I had less marks he went to the HR, but the HR again supported me and qualified me saying that my score in the aptitude test was more and selected me for the final round of the interview.Then I was selected and qualified in the interview only because of the HR who supported me so much even though I was a stranger to him.This was the 2nd MIRACLE I experienced on the same day.
At that time I thought that it was my Saibaba who had come in the disguise of the HR and supported me a lot to get through the interview.It is very much true that the more a devotee yearns for the blessing of Baba, the more Baba comes to help him in all situations !Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya jaya Sai !!
Udi MIracle: Sai Devotee from India says: Many devotees have shared their valuable experiences regarding miraculous power of Udi and I would also like to add my own experience to this archive of miracles which I experienced couple of weeks ago. Two weeks ago one of my moles present on my left wrist started to grow which was dormant since my birth. Mornings it used to grow about a size of Udal Dal (Black gram) (it’s normal size is about mustard seed) but as the day progresses it used to grow about the size of Chana Dal (Bengal gram) due to pooling of blood. Then suddenly at night it used shrink back to Udal Dal (Black gram) size. This growth cycle persists for about 3-5 days. Initially I did not pay any attention to it and thought it would subside by itself. Then it gradually started bothering me as accidentally I used to hurt it. This way I spent about one week. During this time, it remained the size of Chana Dal (Bengal gram).

Later I told my husband as it used to bother me the whole day and also had become painful overtime. He suggested us to seek medical assistance from dermatologist due to pain and its unusual growth. I remember it was Friday evening around 6 pm when I called the hospital to seek appointment. Normally in US doctors (excepting ER) don’t work on the weekends and my case was not an emergency so I got appointment for the following Monday. I was reluctant to go the doctor as here in USA they mostly diagnose as some kind of tumour (cancer) as it’s was growing rapidly and they do biopsy to confirm. I did not want to go through this type of medical experience in my life. So I prayed to Sai Baba to help me with this and suddenly while praying I just had an intuition to apply Baba’s Udi. I somehow don’t know as to why I waited/suffered almost 1.5 weeks before seeking Sai Baba’s divine intervention despite being Baba’s follower since last few years. May be it was Baba’s wish/my bad deeds that made me undergo this suffering for some time. My only prayer to Baba was – “Please heal this mole before Monday before my doctor’s appointment so that I don’t have to undergo any kind of test/biopsy”.
So the same day evening (Friday) onwards, I started to apply Baba’s Udi on this mole in the morning and at night. Due to Baba’s Udi’s healing power, the pain had reduced to a large extent and I felt as if she was shrinking in size (from Chana Dal (Bengal gram) to Udal Dal (Black gram). While taking shower on Sunday morning, I happen to rubbed soap on this mole without my knowledge and I did not feel any pain/discomfort. I just felt that something had fallen down and realized it was my mole that shed off. I did not believe it and check my left wrist again to see if it was the same mole. Yes, you all guessed it right. It was the same mole that was bothering me since 2 weeks had shed off that too before doctor’s appointment!! I jumped with joy and felt relieved that Baba had cured my mole problem on Sunday itself without sending me to the doctor on Monday. I thanked Sai Baba for His divine blessings on me and learnt again that Sai Baba will never leave His devotees in pain when we remember Him. He comes running to us to help and heal us. That day He reaffirmed my belief and now Sai Baba’s and His Udi is everything to me. I am awaiting His blessing to help me conceive and bless me with healthy baby soon. I don’t know why He is not blessing us with baby despite completion of Nav Guruvar Vrat(Nine Thursday Pooja). Devotees please pray to Sai Baba to bless me and my husband with a healthy baby soon. Jai Sai Ram.
Please read Sri Sai Stavana Majari for 48 days to get blessings from Baba for a baby.