Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Experience:
The following information is about the Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Experience.
Jai Sai Ram. Please let my post be anonymous.
First, I seek heartfelt forgiveness from Baba. About 12 years ago (2006) I had no job in this country & 9 years ago (2009) I had no kid. As a woman, married for 5 years (2004) I felt hopeless. I prayed and begged Baba to bless me. I promised to read Sai Satcharitra and pleaded for months to fulfill my wish. I promised him I would read Sai Satcharitra and post in a Sai Leela forum about his Leela if he fulfilled my wishes. Of course, kind Saima blessed me and I got a job (2007) & a beautiful, healthy baby boy (2010). But I did not keep my end of the promise. Neither I read SAIR SAT CHARITRA nor posted about his Leelas. I left my job to be with my kid and look after him (2010). My husband, myself, and my baby all fell sick and we were all hospitalized, different times, but the same year (2010) & I had requested Baba to free us of all calamities & that I would read Sai Satcharitra. My husband had a major surgery cause they found a tumor. After a 6-month-old, I did not know where to go whom to plead to accept Baba. Once again kind Saima came to rescue all of us and we were disease-free. All of us!!! But although I started reading Sai Satcharitra, I don’t remember finishing it yet again being a selfish person. Fast forward 2 years I requested Baba to help us select and secure the right house for us. Again he blessed us with the optimum house without seeking anything in return.

We thought of having a Sai Pallaki at our house. And we did thank Baba for everything. Over the years I fell ill multiple times and sought Baba’s blessings and help and he obliged every time and answered my prayers. But when Baba would ask me to do something like donating or don’t think ill or don’t discriminate or give sweets to kids or donate cloth food or money any kind of instruction, I followed or not the instructions of Baba at my own discretion. For the past 5 years now I am trying to get back to a job and get pregnant again but I can’t do so. Obviously, it’s my bad karma, my sins in current and previous births that I can’t make any progress in spite of repeated efforts. This Sept I fell ill again and my periods would not stop for 2 months. I cried every time I saw blood. I prayed hard and hard and sought forgiveness. I was asked to go for an endometrial biopsy to find out if I had cancer. I prayed Baba to show some miracle and promised if he healed me and saved me from this calamity, I would read Sai Satcharitra in 1 week, fast 1 Thursday, donate and write in a Sai Leela forum seeking forgiveness for all my previous and current sins. Obviously Saima True to her words showed the miracle and my bleeding stopped the day I had a biopsy and the results were just fine. And I am a human. I make mistakes after mistakes.
Read: Nav Guruvar Vrat Mahima.
I didn’t finish reading Sai Satcharitra in 1 week but did in 3 weeks. Today I am trying to fulfill another promise of seeking forgiveness for all my previous and current sins. Please post my entire Leela without edits if you can only withhold my identity. All you, beloved Sai Bakhts, so loves you all. Please try to say a prayer on my behalf and ask Sai ma to forgive me. To bless me with a job and healthy baby yet again through this post I seek your forgiveness Saima and request you continue to bless me for eternity. Jai Sai ram.!
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