Shirdi Sai Baba Help and Miracles
Hello devotees, find a couple of experiences of Shirdi sai baba help and miracles.
Sai Baba Help Miracle#1
Om Sai Ram 🙏🙏🙏 hello everyone
I am working in a company but I couldn’t cope with working shifts of my project I wanted to get released and get into another project. I asked my manager many times to release but he didn’t agree. I was scared to ask again if he will take any action against me. I was praying to Baba all this time. I was very stressed and couldn’t concentrate on anything. Daily I was asking Baba “Baba change his mind please”.One day I saw one of Baba’s Instagram posts saying “you are thinking it will happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow but it will take time”.I felt happy and sad at the same time happy as Baba is listening to everything I was praying and sad because I don’t know still how much time it would take. Finally one day I got released that too without taking any action against me. On that day Baba was wearing a black dress(same as Durga MAA wears a black dress on the last day of Dussehra Navratri) I felt like it is the end of the struggle. Thank you so much, Baba.Thank you for always being there for me when no one is there.

Thank you for this opportunity to share my experience!! This is my first time sharing my experience sorry if there are any mistakes.
Sai Baba Help Miracle #2
I am glad to visit this website and share my experience. I am 30 years old I am a devotee of Baba for the last 8 years, in my childhood or in my teenage I am no aware listen to baba name frequently but my mother asked me to light ‘Deepam’ in front of baba when I am 22 years old, I don’t have any faith in that but I did it for my mother like that slowly I started chanting “Om Sai Ram” when I walk, travel and whenever I can do I used to do. I am fearful of few things in my life Baba had given solutions in my dreams he helped me in everything, he was there with me all the time I can’t stay one day without talking to baba. I used to talk to baba in any place it’s not that only in the pooja room. There are few things in my life that didn’t happen as per my wish but I prayed to Baba even in those tough situations that I didn’t leave your foot Baba made me hold him Thanks Baba for making me stay close to you . Today I feel if Baba has given what I have asked, my life won’t be happy as I am now. Once we started believing Baba he never let you suffer anymore, he cares for you, he guides you on a good path, he will be with you in all the directions. You can’t even imagine how baba is helping you with your problems. ” Sincere Prayers are always answered”.
In case if you miss this: Baba Gave Me A Job.
Sai Baba Help Miracle #3
My sincere gratitude to you for maintaining such a great platform to read and share Sai’s levels. You are definitely a blessed child of Baba to carry on with such noble work.
Surely this site is a big blessing to the devotees when they face difficulties in life.
Today I am going to share my sweet experience of Baba’s grace towards my mother’s health. As I promised to Sai Baba, I am writing this sweet Leela of Baba.
Last month I had lots of misunderstandings and unnecessary fights with my mother. I never had these kinds of issues in all my life with her.
I don’t know from where all these insecurities cropped up in me and this led to major arguments, blame, tears, and a whole lot of tension in the house.
After a few of the major spats, I saw her not feeling good and taking a rest. Then I would feel even more stressed out as my mom is my life and I don’t want any harm to her at any cost.
A few days back on my father’s death anniversary day we went to the temple to offer puja for that purpose. After we returned back home from the temple, we started preparing dinner. Initially, she was helping me but later, I found that she went to her room. I checked with her and she told me that her head and eyes were hurting and she is not feeling well.
Later on after dinner, she complained of uneasiness and shaking of legs and some palpitation with weakness and tiredness. I started praying to Lord Ganesha and my Guru Sai Baba to help her feel better. I gave her some Udi and also electrolyte to drink.
She felt a little better and slept off. In the morning time, she was feeling much better with little weakness.
The next few days she was majorly fine with slight tiredness. I again got worried for her health as many things started revolving in my head. I felt very nervous about her health as I kept thinking about the stress that she went through last 1 1/2 months because of our unnecessary fights. I prayed to Baba continuously to wash away all the negativity of all the stress from her mind and health and bless my mom with very good health and longevity. I took her to a doctor for a check-up. I prayed to Baba to bless my mom with fine health and long life. I promised Baba if her tests come normal, I am going to post this experience of Baba’s kindness in the forum. One very unique thing, while I was reading the devotee’s experiences, I suddenly came across an experience of a girl whose mom was having High BP and the doctor was running some tests, then she prayed to Baba for His kind Grace and everything turned out normal. This experience gave me more faith and positivity and somewhere I felt that mom’s test would also be fine. As I was expecting, the doctor got her ECG done then and there and I was very tensed as her BP was quite high there at the clinic.
I started reading SAI Satcharitra at that moment and also applied UDI to her chest and forehead. After a while doctor came in and told us that the ECG was normal and suggested certain things for the upkeep of her heart health.
He told her to release any stress she’s been holding onto and stay relaxed, and come for a check-up after 2 months.
You may also check this: How To Grow Roses Organically.

I felt so relieved that I cannot even tell. Thank You Baba so very much for Your Kind Grace and I pray to You to please keep me at Your Holy Feet for the rest of my life’s journey. Sai Baba please forgive me for all my grave mistakes and please bless me to become independent emotionally and financially in this world. Keep showing me the right path in this world to follow and bless me with peace and happiness.
Please shower Your blessing on me and all Your Devotees. Thank you again for allowing me to post my experience here.
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