Hello Baba devotees, here are some Sai Baba Miracles and experiences shared by our readers. Don’t forget to share your stories and miracles with Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba! You can submit your stories here or send an email to admin@saishiridi.com.
Sai Baba and My Life
I live in Mumbai, and my connection with Baba was since my childhood in Jammu as we had Baba’s small idol in our pooja room, and my mom used to worship Him. My faith in Baba started when I was pursuing my graduation in Jammu, and since then, my faith and love for Baba is growing everyday. In 2006, My final exams for B.Sc in Jammu University were approaching, and side by side, I had given an entrance exam for MBA in Delhi.

I happened to visit my friend’s place, and that is when I held Baba’s Sai Satcharitra in my hands for the first time. I borrowed it from my friend seven days after she had finished reading it. My MBA entrance test came out, and I also got a call from the college for admission. My family, my parents and myself were so happy. Meanwhile, I had started reading Shri Sai Satcharitra as well.
That MBA seat in Delhi college would not have been in my luck, so the other day, I received a call from the college that another student with a higher rank had come up, and therefore my admission was not happening. My entire family was saddened and worried. However, I had faith in Baba, and I continued reading Sai Satcharitra. I clearly remember. It was Thursday, and I had finished reading Sai Sacharitra a day before only.
However, I had given up and lost all hopes of MBA admission, and since my final B.Sc. exams were starting on Monday next week, I wanted to concentrate on that first. So, after lunch, I prayed to Baba’s photo, which I had kept in my room, and I cried and pleaded to Him to give me the courage to forget about admission and clear my mind and focus and prepare for my final exam.
In case you missed it: Sai Baba Miracles: How Sai Baba Listened to My Prayers and Healed My Parents.

When I opened my textbook, my father’s phone rang up. It was from the Delhi college admin office. They told my father to come to college on Monday next week and make the fee payment as my admission was confirmed. I had tears in my eyes, and that was just the beginning of my experiences with Baba. Today whatever I am and whatever I have in my life is all because of my Baba’s blessings.
With my Baba’s blessings, I got admission in MBA in Delhi college, and I earned a post graduation degree in MBA – International Business in 2009. However, 2009 being a recession year, only a few companies visited our college for campus recruitment. Moreover, I wish to pursue my career in the HR domain with a degree in International Business which would not be the first choice for any HR department in any organization.
However, one company visited our campus for a position in their HR department. I was not selected. But, the HR Head shared her card with all students who had taken the first round of interviews. In 2009, I graduated from college with a degree but no job in hand. Desperate for a job, I gathered some courage and dialed a number. This number belonged to the HR head who had visited our campus.
Her caller tune was some devotional lines for our beloved Sai Baba. Somewhere in my heart, I had this feeling of getting my work done that day. She picked up my call and called me for face-to-face interaction. I met her, and post our discussion; she asked me to follow up by next week as she was meeting other candidates also.
I followed up for almost one week and three days, but it seemed I had lost an opportunity to grab a role in the same organization for the same position ‘Twice’! I felt hopeless, but my faith in Baba was there. Finally, on Wednesday, I got a call from HR Head, and she asked me if I could join on immediate effect, which was the next day – Thursday. I had tears in my eyes. I thanked my Baba from the core of my heart. After all, I was about to start my first job, and that’s too on Thursday.
In case you missed it: Sai Baba Miracles: Sai Baba Saved Me from Grave Danger, Sai Baba Gave Me My Dream Job, Sai Baba Helped Me in Getting Admission to Good College

My first job was in an HR role in a marketing firm in Delhi. I worked there for almost two years and wished to grow further in my career. I started going for interviews but did not get a job where I could seek contentment. I was not happy in my current position and decided to quit and fully concentrate on searching for a new job. If anyone has left a job, they will only find a new job in a few days.
My parents tried to persuade me not to leave my job unless I had another job in my hand. My parents were actually concerned about finding a suitable match for my marriage, too, and it would be tough to find the right match for their qualified yet jobless daughter. They were really worried. But, when Baba is here, then why fear.
I spent only ONE week searching for jobs on job portals, and I got an opportunity to meet one senior professional from the industry in her office. When I left for an interview from home, I clearly remember that I stopped a cycle rickshaw and asked the rickshaw puller to drop me at a particular metro station. Before I boarded the metro, Baba wanted me to seek his blessings, so the rikshaw puller somehow got confused and took me to another metro station.
In case you missed it: Sai Baba Miracles: Sai Baba Gave Me Job, Sai Baba Saved My Marriage

At first, I panicked, but suddenly, I saw a temple, and I could see Baba’s big idol straight from outside. So I bowed to Him, and at that time, I knew that today I would get an offer, and I was super confident that day. So I went for an interview, and Yes! I got a job offer in an MNC. Their office was newly set in Delhi, and I was offered a three times higher salary than my first job.
I was so happy, and I visited Baba’s temple and thanked him. Then, I called up my parents, and they were so pleased, and I hope they were proud of me too that day. Their search for a groom for their daughter continued without any interruption. Since I had already left my last job, I was told to join my new organization the next week itself, and guess what. I joined my new job Next Thursday. Om Sai Ram!!!
With Baba’s grace, I got an opportunity to join an MNC in Delhi and was happy in my job. I worked there for almost three years. Meanwhile, the hunt for a groom for me was going on as my parents wished me to settle down. I met many guys during the groom hunting process, but things didn’t settle.
I knew Baba would land me in One righteous man’s life. But, I would always wonder how I would be able to find the one for me. How would I be able to know that ‘he is the one!! So, I told Baba, “You have to tell me or give an indication. I will marry the one about whom you will give an indication. You have to get him to me then only I will recognize him.”
I happened to speak to one gentleman through a matchmaker whom our parents had referred. I talked to this guy for almost 15-20 days. We liked each other’s thought processes, and we both wanted to meet now. So, we informed our parents. We all stayed in four different cities. The guy was in Mumbai, and his parents were in Jaipur. My parents were in Jammu, and I was in Delhi. We decided to meet in Delhi.
The guy came with his parents and one cousin who drove them to this restaurant where we all decided to meet. I was accompanied by my parents, cousin, and my nephew. We all greeted each other outside the restaurant and stepped inside the restaurant. Our parents and my elder cousin sat on one side of the table, and the guy and his cousin sat opposite my nephew and me.
The moment we were about to take our seats, the guy’s cousin put his car keys on the table in front of us, and to my pleasant surprise, the keychain had Baba’s picture in it. Baba was facing me with this guy sitting just behind (Baba), the key chain. This was the clear indication from Baba that He got the right man for me along with Him. With Baba’s grace, our marriage got fixed, and again, to my pleasant surprise, our wedding day was on Thursday, 14th November 2013.
In case you missed it: Sai Baba Miracles: Sai Baba Convinced Me, Sai Baba Cured My Dad’s Illness

My parents had booked a hotel in Jammu for our marriage, and few days before the wedding, my family went to see the arrangements going on, and we felt that the hall and garden area we had booked might not suffice for the number of guests arriving. But, unfortunately, nothing could be done at the last hour as another hall and garden area of the same hotel, which had almost three times the capacity, was also booked for the same day.
I just left everything with Baba, and we started preparing for the wedding. Baba loves His children too much, and He always makes you realize that He is always there. Just two days before my wedding day, the hotel manager called my father and told him that the bigger hall and garden were now available, and he had shifted our venue there. My parents were happy, and so was I. Everything went smoothly.
Today, it’s been eight years of my marriage, and we are blessed with one daughter and one son. Every day I chant Sai. Whatever I have got in my life is because of Baba only. Whenever I am in any problem, I just speak to my Baba, and He listens to me every time, and He answers in one way or another. I believe He is there with me and will always be with me and my family. Om Sai Ram!.
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- Sai Baba Miracles: Sai Baba Helped During in My College Admission, My First Job, and My Marriage
- Sai Baba Miracles: How Sai Baba Listened to My Prayers and Healed My Parents
- Sai Baba Miracles: Sai Baba Saved Me from Grave Danger, Sai Baba Gave Me My Dream Job, Sai Baba Helped Me in Getting Admission to Good College
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- Sai Baba Miracles: Sai Baba Gave Me Job, Sai Baba Saved My Marriage
- Sai Baba Miracles: Sai Baba Convinced Me, Sai Baba Cured My Dad’s Illness
- Sai Baba Miracles: Sai Baba Gave Me 2nd Life, My Prayers Answered
- Sai Baba Miracles: Baba Helped in My Marriage, Sai Came to My Rescue During My Court Case
- Sai Baba Miracles: Baba Helped My Daughter, Sai Baba Protection, With Baba’s Grace, I Got a Son, Sai’s Way of Taking Our Suffering
- Baba Miracle Experiences Of Devotees
- Sai Baba Devotee Miracles – Stories, Experiences
- Sai Baba New Stories from His Days in Shirdi
- Baba Healings, Miracles, Blessings, Experiences
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- Shirdi Sai Miracles – Devotee Experiences
- Sai Baba Answers – Devotee Prayers, and Miracles
- Sai Leela Stories – Miracles, Experiences, Blessings
Om Sai Ram, Great Blessings sister.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Thank you for such a beautiful Leela of Baba. By the end, I had tears seeing how Baba can really bless and help his true devotes. Baba thank you for everything good that happened in my life. Without you I would have been lost in this world. Thank you baba.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram