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Sai Baba Miracles: Sai Baba Helped Me Recover from Head Injury, Sai Baba Cured My Health Problems, The Power of Sai Satcharitra

Hello Baba devotees, here are some Sai Baba Miracles and experiences our readers share. Don’t forget to share your stories and miracles with Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba! You can submit your stories here or send an email to admin@saishiridi.com.

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Sai Baba Helped Me Recover from Head Injury

On Dec 11 2019, I met with a road accident. I was riding my new scooter, returning home after playing tennis right near my house in front of Ganesh temple. I lost consciousness. The Priest of the temple rushed to my help. As he was an army person and knew about first aid. He revived me, took my mobile phone, unlocked the phone, and called my contacts to inform them about my accident.

I do not remember any of these – how I told the number to unlock my mobile phone, how I told whom to contact etc. He arranged to shift me to the hospital until my brothers arrived. My brothers arrived and shifted me to a hospital near their residence, so it would be easy for them to take care of me. For two days I was in the intensive care unit, and I do not remember those 2 days. One day in my mind, I heard my brother-in-law’s mobile ring tone Om Sai Ram Dhun.

That brought me to consciousness, and I called out to my brothers and sisters that, “Why am I here? I want to go home.” I was concerned that my pet cat was alone at home. I didn’t know how many days had passed, and I was very concerned about my pet. After I came home, I met the priest who had helped me. I thanked him, and we became good friends. Thank you, Mere Sai Baba, for saving me and calling my brothers and sisters for my help.

In case you missed it: Sai Baba Miracles: The Power of Sai Satcharitra, Sai Presence During My Hard Days, Baba Gave Me Job, Baba Helped Me to Achieve Good Score

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Sai Baba Cured My Health Problems

When we fell ill due to Covid in January 2022, I prayed to sai appa that once we were cured, I would perform Sri Sai Divya Pooja for 5 weeks, which I never did, but I did receive the book when some lady was donating it in December 2021. After 15 days when we got cured, I started doing the puja from one Thursday. I had just gone through the instructions in the book and had no other prior knowledge.

Thanks to his grace I was able to perform it for 5 weeks and able to complete the puja and went to the temple and donated a few books and prasadam. Everything went well. I also promised that I will publish this experience but kept delaying. I apologize to Sai Appa for the delay in sharing this wonderful experience.

I had one more miracle experience where we got the opportunity to visit and experience the divine presence of Tiruchendur Murugan temple very unexpectedly, and to my surprise, the cab which we booked to travel from Tiruchi to Tirichendur had Sai Baba’s idol in the front. As soon as I boarded the cab, I was surprised and shocked at the same time and once again it got proved that whatever we ask him sincerely will always happen with his grace and at the right time even if it is late and in an unexpected manner.

The Power of Sai Satcharitra

Hello Sai devotees, I would like to share how I experienced Sai’s blessing, how I came across Sai Sat Charitra, and how this book made me believe more in Sai baba’s blessings over his devotees. So, it started here, due to some personal issues I was feeling a little lonely and those days, out of nowhere, my faith and trust developed more in Sai. Then one day I heard about the book Sai Satcharitra, many said that this book will give you peace of mind and build more trust in Sai and his Leela’s.

I searched on how to read this book no rules as such, but many advise me to start reading this book on Thursday and complete it in a week. Now the question was I didn’t know from where to purchase this book, so I ordered it from amazon, but the problem was the delivery was on Friday, and I wanted to start with the book by Thursday. The next day my friend went to a library, and I accompanied her there I thought of asking for the book (even after knowing the fact that they don’t keep holy books) at first he said he doesn’t have any books as such in his library.

In case you missed it: Sai Baba Miracles: Baba Helped Me in My Abroad Journey, Baba Gave Me a Job, Baba Helped Me Get All My Certificates Back

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When we were leaving there, he called out and said that he had found it, but it didn’t have the picture of Sai on the cover page (that was completely fine for me), and I was literally in tears at that moment as the book found its way to me and from the next day (Thursday) I could easily start reading that book. The next morning, I started and finished off with 5 chapters and the same evening when I and my mom went out, we got a call from home saying that my granny got a stroke and had to rush to the hospital at that moment.

I couldn’t understand what happened and questioned my Sai, “why?” I got many thoughts like I started reading this book and this happened, did I make any mistake but I didn’t stop, I kept reading that book as planned before the situation in the house was bad those days, but for some reason, whenever I read that book, it gave me peace of mind and I started living in those stories of Sai and felt blessed.

Granny was recovering now, and the doctor said that be grateful as it was a minor stroke that saved her from a major one that day, I realized that Sai is always with the devotees, those who have faith in him and will surely make them experience his love. And the best part was the day I completed the book, granny got discharged from the hospital. Have shraddha and saburi and believe in Sai baba. For some of them, this story might’ve been really normal, but for those who look for Sai baba in small things might take it as Sai baba’s blessing. Om Sai Ram.

Seeking Solution: Is there a Thing Called Luck or Miracle?

This is my first time writing this; I always read other people’s stories. Here I am writing this to seek a solution to my problem. I am working as a research assistant and currently awaiting a response from the universities abroad for which I have applied for my higher education. The university I want to get into I haven’t heard a clear response, and there the other University is about give the offer letter.

What if I wait for the university I want to get into, and in the process, I lose the opportunity to get into the other University which is offering? How would I know which is the best suitable option for me? My life, in general, takes much more effort than other people put into rarely, any luck factor has worked for me. Whenever I try and ignore those and concentrate, I face harder situations. There is always a lag in whatever I pursue most of the time, it is not intentional. I am kind of exhausted with all of those.

I have started self-doubting myself, and it’s affecting me mentally. I don’t know whenever I try to open up about this in my family; somehow, it doesn’t go well. In between, I have stopped doing parayan but again, I have started doing baba parayan and I realized it gives me some kind of peace when I am reading it. Is there a thing called luck or a miracle? I am seeking a sign at least which can help me in making better decisions.

In case you missed it: Sai Baba Miracles: Baba Asked Me to Read the Parayana and Saved Me from Sever Health Issue, Baba Heals Everything

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My Prayer Request to Baba

Since my childhood, I have been a devotee of Sai Baba, and I had many miracles and beautiful life also, with Baba’s blessings till 2018, everything was fine, but 2018 Jan 22, my life took a big turning Point with my husband’s accident at his workplace. I lost him I am alone with my kids. Baba, I lost my husband and my father, too, you know everything. Now I am leading my life full of stress, anxiety, fear so many health problems. My child also suffering from health issues, and I could not able to bear to see her in this kind of situation. Baba, why you left us, what mistake I did? Why you didn’t save my husband from the worst? Please give my child good health, happiness, and mental peace to me. Remember me In your prayers. Thanks


  1. Sai Ram to dear Sri Sai devotees,

    Thank you for sharing Sri Sai’s wonderful experiences here.

    May Sri Sai keep blessing all of us


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Sai Baba Miracles