Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Sai devotee from Chennai. I am working in a MNC and though my family has been Sai devotee for years, I started praying and believing in Sai only from 2011. This miracle is about how Sai saved my job. Sai Ram. I joined my first employer in 2007 and it was a comfortable place to work and I worked there happily till 2010. But after that I felt that my job was not so interesting and I was not getting any recognition. I always felt that I need a guru who can take me in right path spiritually. I started looking out for job from 2011 and also my family was looking for a girl for me same time. But nothing was ffavorable for me. I was so much upset and was literally cribbing all the time. My dad has given me Sai Satcharitra in 2007 when i joined my first company which I never opened or read. Suddenly I felt I should read it and go to Sai temple whenever I get time in 2011. When I started reading Satcharitra and going to Sai temple every week, I felt He is my Guru and I always pray Sai that He should be my Guru and He should go ahead of me in everything and make the path clear and remove all obstacles. Miracles happened to me after that. Things started falling to place. I got engaged and also I got a good job in a US based MNC. Things were going good.
Couple of weeks back came the shock that my project is being closed and so the folks working here are asked to leave the job. When I felt everything was going in right direction, I didn’t expect this twist in life. I always have Sai Picture in my mobile and purse. I just looked as Sai Picture in my mobile and said to Sai, whatever is Your wish do it. This job is given by You and I know You will do only good to me. I am basically very nervous guy and I easily get tensed for small things. But I don’t know how, I didn’t get tensed after hearing this news. I believed in Sai and left it to Him. I was attending interviews within the company last week and I had to meet a manager. But he was not available. So the HR asked me to randomly meet a manager and it was just a discussion. They did not take any interview. But after an hour, I was said that I am internally transferred to the team. I really thanked Sai so much and this happened on Thursday. I went to Baba temple that evening itself and thanked Him. The bonus happiness Sai gave me was that I am also getting promotion with new opportunity. Sai never leaves us empty handed. Believe in Sai blindly and leave your problems to Him. He will take care of it. Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai!.