Anonymous Devotee from India says: Sai Ram, I am a small devotee of SaiBaba. I recently completed engineering. I became close with Sai from past 6 months. I would like to tell the recent experience of me. I have recently completed my engineering in a good college (because of Baba). As market is down, there were no placements in the college. So I could not get placed in any company. Though days were bad, I haven’t felt bad. I know Sai will show me some or the other way.
I was so confident that He will take care of me. Sai will never leave His child alone. Because of my sister’s pressure, I have applied for an exam, but I am not sure that I will get into it. Because, the exam I am going to write, is software stream. I don’t have any knowledge about the major portion of subjects in exam as I am from the other stream. I started preparing for the exam, but I am not confident enough to face it.
I left the entire burden on Baba. I went for the exam. There were two sections in exam sec-a and sec-b. There were 50 questions each with negative marking. It was an online exam. I have completed SEC-A, surprisingly the number of questions I have answered is 36, which is 9. I haven’t counted the number of questions I have answered during the exam. I felt happy. There was a time gap between sec-a and sec-b. Sec-B exam started, which is of software stream. I was not sure whether the answers I have kept are correct or not. At last the exam was over. Surprisingly the number of questions I have answered in sec-b was also 36, which is 9.
One more thing was my mom gave blessings before going for the exam telling that you will get through the exam. Normally she will give blessings while I go for any important work, but that day when she gave her blessings, I felt so happy which I couldn’t express. Remembering all these things, positive thoughts were flowing in my minds. At last the results were out. I have qualified for the exam. After 2nd counseling, I gave got my preferred choice of course. Wow. It’s all because of Baba. The day, which I saw my results, was also 9, and the time, which I saw the counseling results, is also 9, and the date of joining of my course is also 9. Baba, Your Leelas are amazing. He always showed His presence that He was with me. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. There is no life without You. Be with me Baba.
Please help me to choose the right path. Please help me to be good and do good things. Love You Baba. There are many experiences with Sai, which I will be writing further. Just remember that don’t get angry on Baba if things go wrong. Whatever He does, is sake of you. Always remember that will a mother does harm to the child knowingly? Whatever Baba does is to remove our sins and at last when ever all sins are removed, He will give you the fruit to succeed. Have faith and patience. One or the other day for sure, you will succeed if you follow the right path. Be good, do good. Help the poor and needy. Om Sai Ram.