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Sai Baba Miracles:






Some of the Sai Baba Wonderful Expereinces!


Anonymous Devotee from UK says: OM SAI RAM. Please keep my e-mail id and name anonymous and be liberal to edit my content where ever it is necessary. I have experienced many miracles from Baba. This is my second experience.

I had Marks & Spencer Voucher worth £150. I remember keeping it in my purse. It was around March, when I got the voucher. In July I went to M&S to get some shirts. At the counter I looked for the vouchersand could not find it. I paid for the purchases by my debit card. On the way home, I was praying to Sai baba please help me to get the Voucher. I was thinking about the vouchers where & when I misplaced it. I came home and emptied my small purse and looked through all the compartment, but I could not find it. Then I thought I must have dropped it somewhere. I tried to forget it. I was just scolding myself for being very carless. Few days later again I cleared my purse and still I could not find it.
Then I said to Sai Baba please help me to find my vouchers. If I get it, I will post my experience. Few days later, I went and took my purse out and cleared it. What a surprise I found the voucher there. It was there, how I left it. I was very happy to find it. OM SAI RAM. Thank You Baba for Your help.

Another experience: every Thursday I go to Sai temple. I took blue Salwar Khamis. I hope I must see Sai in blue, when I enter the temple. As I entered the temple, I saw Sai in blue. I was very glad. Om Sai Ram. Thank You for everything. You are the only one there, for me. Bless me Sai Ram. Sorry for posting it late.

Expereince 2:

Anonymous Devotee from India says: This experience is about Sai Baba blessing me with a good job and when I was jobless and searching job. Om Sai Ram.Please do not disclose my email id and name. I came to know about Baba 6 years back. Since then I have experienced His presence in my life so many times. If there is any mistake in my letter, I request you to kindly correct it.

I was jobless for 2 months and there was tremendous levels of anxiety due to the job search, but I always kept myself calm and remembering SAI. During this time I started doing SAI PARAYAN and did 3 parayans continuously. During these two months, I had tough times thinking about the job and the nextmonth I decided to do parayans and started. By end of the 1st parayan, I got a call from the employer for the interview. By end of the 2nd parayan, I cleared 2 technical rounds of interview. By end of the 3rd parayan, I was with employer and started working. Now I will leave it to the readers to imagine the miracle of SAI BABA. Also request to the devotees of Sai Baba that have firm faith and patience whatever the difficulties may be. SAI will give us the best thing. OM SAI RAM!!!



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Devotee Experience

Sai Baba Miracles