Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am currently living abroad and want to share my experience of how I started to worship Baba and believe fully in Him that whatever He does is for our best. I completed my M. Sc. in 2007 and my parents started looking out for my marriage. In 2008, I got engaged after a long search and everything was fine and I was very happy. One day something happened that changed my life. My engagement was called off and it was Thursday. I became very depressed and low & was not interested in anything and I used to only cry and wanted to be alone.
One day my friend suggested me to read Sai Satcharitra to get peace of mind. I made up my mind and one day I started to read & prayed to Baba to guide me and help me finish the reading in one week. Before sleeping I prayed- Baba please wake me up early so I can read the book. It was around 5.30am, Idreamt Baba telling me “get up and read the Satcharitra, its 5.30”. I felt Him standing next to my bed and I got up suddenly, but didn’t see Baba anywhere. I felt very happy and had goose bumps and thanked Baba and completed my reading in one week. Like this I was drawn to worship of Baba and read Sai Satcharitra many a times after that. I always got Shirdi Prasad some way or the other after I finish reading the book & like this I experienced presence of Baba in my life.
In 2009, my parents got another proposal for me and the guy was from abroad and I was very scared and prayed to Baba to help me show the right way. It’s my practice to put chits before Baba & ask for His guidance in a difficult situation and whenever I asked Baba if should go ahead in this relationship; I always got the “yes” chit. And so I met the guy & liked him. My in-laws wanted to go ahead with the marriage & we got a call from them and it was “Thursday” night. We agreed for the marriage. My joy knew no bounds, when I came to know that my in-laws are also staunch devotee of Sai Baba and felt Baba really blessed me & found the right person for me.
We got married in May 2010 & I had to wait for few months in India till I got my visa and papers ready to be with my husband. My papers were approved from husband’s country in December & I had to go for my visa interview in Mumbai. The only date available for the interview was after Christmas. I was in tears, when I knew that it was also “Thursday”. I got through with the interview with Baba’s blessings and my husband started to book the flight for me. We wanted to be together before my birthday in January firstweek, but we couldn’t get any booking before 15th January due to New Year time. One day my husband called & told me one ticket is available and it is on 30th of December and I was so happy and we booked my flight quickly and when I checked which day it is, I couldn’t believe it was “Thursday” and was extremely happy & thanked Baba for everything.
Today I’m happily married with my husband and thank Baba for not marrying the wrong person. All my problems are solved by Baba’s grace. Today whatever I’m is because of Baba’s & my parents blessings. Baba Anantkoti Brahmaand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parbrahm Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. May Baba bless us all.