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Sai Baba Miracles:






Sai Saved Us From A Critical Issue – Anonymous Devotee from India

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all the devotees. I am running short of words to thank my Lord Sai Baba. Thank You is just not enough for the happiness Baba has given to my family by saving us from this danger.

To begin with, we belong to a middle class family and my father has huge debts on his head. Last month, one lady came to our place and she abused my mother very bitterly. She was claiming that my father owes her husband’s money. That day, only I and my mother were at home. I was in tears when i saw my mother being humiliated. We were much tensed as we were facing heavy financial crisis. We were supposed to return that women her money on 10th February. 10th February arrived, but the money wasn’t arranged. Deep in my heart day and night, I was praying to my Sai to help us and save us from this condition and then wonder of wonders happen. At 9 p.m my father got the money and he went and paid the women. 

We don’t really know if we actually owe that lady any money. She had been a witness for some loan which my father took few years ago. She claims that since we couldn’t pay the EMI in time, the bank deducted the EMI from her husband’s salary. We don’t really know if it is true because we have not confirmed from the bank. The reason we wanted to get rid of her was because she was threatening to physically abuse my mother and since she stays in the same locality. Anyways we are happy that the matter got over and it is only because of my Sai’s Blessing and Grace that we were saved of all the mental torture and pain inflicted by that woman. 

Actually mentally, emotionally, academically, financially, my life is in a devastating form at the moment. My career is completely devastated since last 4 years and i am optimist that my Sai Baba will bring me out of this pain. It had been one and a half month that i started worshiping my Sai Baba, around mid January 2014 when i faced the most painful phase of my life. The person i trusted and loved the most left me mid way because of caste issue and i am facing repetitive failure. But i know my Sai will take care of everything. I surrender my life, heart and soul at the Lotus Feet of Our Lord Sai Baba. All we need to have is Shraddha (Faith) and Saburi (Patience). 

Om Sai Ram. Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai. Ananta Koti Brahamand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. May Lord Sai Baba Showers His Love and Blessings on Each One of us. 


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